Chapter II

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   Jealousy Is Way More Hurtful.      Than You May Think

Note: Okay so, spoiler alert on my other book Love's Demons. There's going to be a shit-ton of drama in the next few chapters. Like so much that I might not even want to put it in there. If you guys don't want to hear me babbling on and in about my other books, then I suggest you don't read this crap that I'm writing down. Got that? You better, because here comes more babbling about whatever is going on in my life itself. Anyway I may not be able to update these chapters for quite a long time because I will be working on my other books. And, I have some good news following that bad news. The sequel to this book is going to be called HERE COMES THE STORM. I love you guys and here goes nothing,


     I close the door of my blue Mercedes and walk to my school's entrance alone, locking my car door as I open the main hallway's double doors.

     I get a sudden feeling that something is off, but I don't see it right away.

     As soon as I do, though, it makes me want to break down and cry.

My heart shatters into a million tiny pieces, scattered all over the school's tiled marble flooring.5n

     I see Carter Parkinson, the guy that was flirting his head off with me yesterday, surrounded by girls, who were hanging all over him. When he catches me staring he smiles and waves, until he sees my expression and his face falls, and I know he feels bad, but I don't care so i just turn and run away, tears springing into his eyes.

He lured me into his trap and broke my heart, killing me on the inside.

   He looked like he was enjoying himself, though so, I just decided to head into my first period class without even sneaking another glance or going to my locker first.I don't care that I didn't have any of my books, and my teacher, Mr. Roswell, doesn't seem to either.

I chose a desk in the back corner of the room, farthest from the door, muttering to myself as I went.

After a few more students come in and start talking loudly, I decide to put my earphones in to drown out the noise, in hopes of also drowning out my pain with the sounds of The Plain White T's, Hey There Delilah.

No luck.

Maybe I should have went with Guns N' Roses instead.

"Hey, Scar," Devin says as he takes the seat in front of me.

I don't answer at first so he waves his hand in my face until I do, obviously oblivious to the fact that I was ignoring him.

"What!," I yell at him once he gets my full attention.

"Jesus, man," he mutters, " Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?"

Obviously no one pissed in my Cheerios, because on one note, I ate French Toast for breakfast and two, I was mad when I woke up this morning.Before I ate breakfast. But Carter's little charade just made things worse.

I shoot a glare at him and put my earphones back in, just in time for Carter to walk through the door, apologizing for being late.

"Probably because he was sticking his tongue down some other girls throat," I mutter, making sure that nobody hears me.

He walks over to the only other available desk, which, coincidentally I'm guessing,was right beside mine.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

"Hey, Scarlett, who's this?"

He looks at me expectedly while pointing his index finger at Devin.

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