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Hey guys, it's Mickey. Please please pleaseee read this note before you read on. It's super important.

For years I've been tearing apart TBE and putting it back together while also finishing high school. As promised, I finally came up with a version for publishing, but... I feel that it is lacking in something. My beta readers tell me it's fine, but as the writer reading it, the work feels... stiff? Maybe I'm just being too hard on myself, but I'm at my wits end with this book and have no idea what else I can do to make it better. I'm also worried that I lost my flow of words trying to fit the professional publishing standards and I don't want the book to lose it's meaning. So that's where you guys come in!

I hope some of you are still with me. I know it has been so freaking long and I'm so sorry for my absence. But as you're about to see - it certainly hasn't been for nothing. Please point out anything you see wrong with this new version. Typos, things that don't make sense, even just strong personal opinions about the story as a whole or the characters and their actions. All feedback will be helpful, whether or not it's used I definitely need fresh eyes on this book.


1. Emily's name was changed to Emory.

2. Emory has brown hair instead of blonde.

3. Her eyes are a brown-green hazel instead of blue.

4. Russell's name was changed to Jared.

5. This book is no longer third-person. It is back to first-person pov :)

This is honestly my last resort. I love you guys, and I wanted to keep this new version a surprise for publishing, but I can't do this on my own. So I'm asking for help. I'll deal with the bigots and plagiarizers all over again to make this book the very best it can possibly be.

Without further adieu, I present The Butterfly Effect - Rewritten ;)

Without further adieu, I present The Butterfly Effect - Rewritten ;)

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The Butterfly Effect  (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now