Chapter Eleven - Part 2

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P.T.S.D. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The demon in question had taken my face. It had the exact same clothes I was wearing, complete with tears and blood stains where I'd been mauled.

"You know what I don't get about you?" I pointed at the demon. "You picked my face. Depression didn't even do that. Why did you?"

PTSD smiled. "I am what you will become when you leave this place."

"What makes you think I'm going back?"

PTSD shrugged. "You may. You may not. Regardless of your choice, I will haunt you. You will always look over your shoulder in the dark. You will fear canines. You will never see your reflection the same. Every loud noise will take you back to the battles you've faced. My dear Emory, you had a taste of me after the wreck. Did you forget?"

I retreated a step. "You... you're the reason I couldn't step into cars."

"You see now? We have a history and a future together."

"Not if I can help it."

"Go on, resist me all you want. It may work for a time, but I will break you. Were you counting on your family and friends to help? Face it, Emory, the girl that lives will not be the same girl that died. They won't know how to save you. You'll be alone, and that is a dangerous thing to be."

"I beat you before. I can do it again."

"We shall see."

"All of your siblings have agreed I can take down Suicide. Are you in or out?"

PTSD tilted its head at my wounds. "That may have been true before you were injured."

"Now you don't think so?"

The demon had a point. I could feel the wounds throbbing. How would I fight Suicide like this?

"I'm certain the two of us could come to an agreement."

I tightened my hold on Divina's weapon. "There's no way I'm making another deal. You can forget it."

"Oh?" The demon raised an eyebrow. "Both of us need something. I need my sister disposed of, and you need those injuries healed. You know you can't go against Suicide like that. You need every advantage you can get."

I cursed. "Fine, let's make a deal, but my friends and family are off the table!"

"Consider it done. Might I continue?"

I nodded.

PTSD crossed its arms behind its back and strolled forward. "If my sources are correct, then Divina is going to offer you a deal. Peace, I believe she may have put it. You're going to refuse her offer. In return, I will heal your wounds."

I squinted my eyes at the demon. "Why don't you tell me what Divina has planned for me?"

"That's the deal. Take it or leave it."

"Why would you want me to give up my shot at Heaven?"

"Heaven?" PTSD cackled. "Is that what you think Divina meant? Oh no, child. She has much bigger plans for you. What will it be then? Your options are limited."

My stomach seemed to twist. I knew from that start it was a bad idea to trust Divina, but the more she helped, the more I thought she was on my side. What the demons had been saying about her made sense. After all, why would a creature as old as she want anything to do with a human? She had to have her own agenda, and somehow, I fit into it.

"This offer she has... why don't you want me to take it?"

"Call it a contingency plan. Your acceptance of her offer would make my siblings and I rather... uncomfortable."

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