The Girls (Urban)

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Broward, Florida 2:00 a.m

Foot steps rained down on the concrete as four girls chased one boy down the street. The boy fell and tried to get back up but Gwup sent a blow to his head.

"Where's our money nigga?" Max grab him by his shirt.

"I told y'all I would have it next week!" The boy said in a panic.

"Who the fuck you you hollering at?" Red spoke being held back by Key.

"Look we ain't got till next week, our boss need this shit now and we ain't got fifty to give him. You owe us fifty nigga, you said you would have it today! So where is it?" Max spoke again jerking his body up a little.

"I-I..." Gwup cut him off.

"Search him." Max held him down as the rest of the girls searched him.

"This lil dude got a whole hundred in his sock!" Red exclaimed kicking him in the side.

"Jit what the fuck?! You got this? All we needed was 50 and you round here lying?! Beat his ass." Max commanded as the four of them stomped on the boy who screamed out.

They were into kicking him around for only a minute until the sound of the cops coming made them look back.

"It's 12 we gotta go!" Key yelled. The girls took off running in between houses.

"Meet y'all at the house!" Gwup said and the four began to split up.

Gwup's glock that was tucked into her jeans made it hard for her to jump over fences. She made it home first, usually it was Red though. Soon Max and Key came running together.

They all entered through the unlocked window of their foster home. They all lived in the same foster home almost all their life. The girls were all 16. Their bond was unbreakable and you couldn't go no where without seeing all 4.

They were the goons of Broward County.

The 4 of them did everything together, hit licks together, stole together, smoked together, sold drugs together, and fought together. They were inseparable. They were uncontrollable and bad as they come.

"Y'all going to school tomorrow?" Max asked. She always skipped school but managed to pass with B's.

"Yeah we got finals tomorrow." Red replied. Red's probation officer made her go to school or she would be sent to prison.

The girls laid in their bed and eventually drifted off to sleep.


I can up with this book one night thinking about set it off but i promise you the plot will not be the same.

Maybe no bank robberies lmao

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