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1 weeks later, 12:34 p.m

Grace aka Gwup

I woke up from my deep sleep instantly annoyed

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I woke up from my deep sleep instantly annoyed.

"Yo shut the fuck up." I groaned out listening to them laugh about something that I didn't give a fuck about.

I wasn't a morning person and they knew that. I always woke up around one no matter what time I went to sleep. So to be up earlier than I usually wake up was annoying.

My body was tired and sore. I hit a lick by myself last night and fell on my back over a fence. I managed to get home in time before anyone noticed I was gone.

Not that it was secret I just didn't want them out looking for me.

"You need to get up." Max said sitting on my bed. I rolled my eyes even though they were closed.

I was trying hard to go back to sleep but couldn't concentrate hard enough. I sighed opening my eyes. When they finally adjusted to the light I sat up stretching.

Most of the times I wanted to die just so I could sleep. Sleep was the best thing in the world if you ask me.

"Julia get off of me! Go take your medicine!" Key shouted prying Red's hands off of her.

"It hasn't kicked in yet." Red smirked pinching her thighs.

Red was a schizophrenic, but it didn't affect her as bad as it did others. Her's was more anger than anything. Little things set her off. Her nickname came from turning red every time she got mad.

I got up scratching my scalp and going into the kitchen. The refrigerator was filled with bottles since we had two new borns in the house. I knew that some dumbass couple would come through and scoop them up. Nobody wanted a almost grown ass child and I hated that.

I wanted to feel love all my life. I have, from our foster mother but I wanted a real family. Even though I have the girls it's not what I want. Don't get me wrong, I would still want them in my life but I want to be adopted believe it or not. I want us all the be adopted. It was my dream since I was 5, which was the age I was when I got here.

Jin? Yeah she loved us but it wasn't enough for me. I sound like a loved crazed person right? Wrong. I can't explain the feeling. I never wanted love from a boy. Never had a boy friend, always have been busy running the streets.

I knew I was pretty and could have any boy I liked but I just haven't came around to boy love.

"You hungry?" Jin asked holding a sleeping baby. I could tell it was a boy, he was big maybe a month or two.

I took him from her not even responding to her just staring at his face. He was a dark complexion. Some spots on his face were lighter than others. He was perfect to me.

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