Chapter Ten- Building Bridges, Burning Webs

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Kathy's finger pressed the doorbell into the wood. A moment later, Ben answered the door.

"Kathy!" He leant in for a hug, but Kathy politely declined.

"It's nice to see you're well. May I come in?" She maintained a formal composure. If she was honest with herself, she didn't know what kind of person would visit her old, falling apart junkie friend, let alone stay a night at his house. Despite all this, she thought it might be worth a shot.

Walking through the doorway of the rejuvenated cottage, Kathy inhaled. The smell of... emptiness filled her nasal cavity. It was a change from the old whiff of narcotics and marijuana.

She was invited to sit at a table, with scones and tea readily prepared. Very British. Kathy wanted to waste no time tattling, so she cut to the chase.

"So, why am I really here? Don't think I fall for this sociable facade."

"It's been so long. I've pictured this moment happening so many times; it's surreal for it to become reality. Long story short: I'm clean now. I haven't been using for three months. Chad used to tell me about how I was ruining my life all the time, yet I never listened to him; I was too involved in my own arrogance. After he moved out, it finally got through to me. What's the point of wasting my precious time destroying myself?"

She was pleased. "That's very good for you. Your brother really must have a way with words if my constant nagging didn't phase you at all. And don't think this means I forgive you for burning down my garden fence."

He looked ashamed. "I really am sorry for that." After a brief pause, he continued. "Kathy, the reason you're here is because I think we can rebuild our relationship. I've signed a deal with a movie production company, and I thought I could finally put my directing skills to use. You're studying playwriting; why not help each other out?

Kathy was astonished. He couldn't possibly think she would agree to this.

"You invited me over to convince me to help you make money? Are you joking?"

"Kathy - it's an opportunity. I think we could really go places. Sleep on it, perhaps?"

Every part of her wanted to stand up and leave, but she didn't want to ruin her one chance at restoring her broken-down friendship.

She sighed. "I'll think about it."

Time was a blur. Playing video games with Ben, she was enjoying herself. Kathy was trying to avoid mirrors, as she didn't want to view her likely bloated form after the amount of Doritos she had consumed.

The sky was clearing, revealing a darkening purple tone. It was almost night. Ben had gone to his room, wishing Kathy a good sleep. He had prepared a bed for her in the guest room, which she moved to. Although piddling in size, she appreciated the hospitality. Maybe he was coming around.

The room was lit with merlot candles, providing a soothing ring of warmth around Kathy. They were placed in a rather peculiar manner; it would be easy for them to fall into her. Did he not think to arrange them in a safe way? She swept the criticism aside. He wasn't used to an organised life. Kathy climbed into her bed, and stared at the purple ceiling as her vision slowly faded away.

• • •

Kathy grabbed onto the dolphin's back, clinging for life. They were soaring through the sea, flashing through the Exocoetidae fish. The dolphin changed course, and began to swim for the sun. Growing nearer, the blinding star was inveigling. A group of aquatic animals had gathered alongside them during the course of the ride. She guessed they enjoyed the thrill of flight as she did. It was quite an array - hydrozoans, sea cucumbers, sharks, and clownfish all hovered beside her. Now engulfing the horizon, the sun encircled them in light. The light irradiated, becoming brighter, and redder.

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