paralysed part 1

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Draco's pov:
I was in Paris, I didn't know how, all I knew was that I had to get out of Hogwarts. It was to fast, to loud, to confusing I needed peace. I  remembered that last time we were here Lucius had a small flat and he said he'd give it to me once I got older. I went to the Malfoy vault. Even though the goblin wasn't happy to see me, he let me have the papers to the flat and $3000 (muggle money). As I was walking home I saw a monoprix. I walked in and looked around the store. All the colors and smells overflowed my senses. They felt 7× stronger, more vibrant! I guess it must be because of the new wolf flowing threw my blood. I shrugged and bought a bar of wonderful dark ♥chocolate♥ I went to my Flat and unlocked the door it was dark and dusty inside the flat, the walls were painted dark green and there was only one small window. In the first room there was a grand piano a black pullout bed a kitchen and a bathroom. But the most important part of the flat wasn't in the room. Draco took a black spinning staircase to the roof where there was a large wrought iron cage that was about 8 feet tall 15 feet long and 10 feet wide. Draco rembered his father's words on their last trip to Paris; "the dark lord will need your help once your older, this cage will help you." Everything has changed.

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