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Be Karkat Vantas ======>

Your name is Karkat Vantas and this is the beginning of what is more than likely the end of your life. Well you're exaggerating a little bit but it might as well be. It is your first day of highschool and you're pretty sure that you have almost no classes with any of your friends. As insufferable as most of them are they are the only ones you have and are interested in having. You are currently standing in front of the school like an idiot not wanting to go in. Mixtures of different idiots passed by you. This stupid building is taking away your right to sleep in.

The first bell rings and you hurry off to the first period of the day art. This was a class you were supposed to be taking with your friend Gamzee but being the asshole that he is he switched into home ec. last minute. Something about making pies. Terezi and Nepita are taking art to but they are significantly better than you and are in a higher art class. The only person you know in this stupid class is Eridan and you can't stand him even more than most of the people you know. You'd rather walk barefooted on glass shards than sit next to him all year. You take a seat as far away from him as possible which happens to be a seat in the back of the class next to some dork with glasses. You couldn't care less about him and ignore him completely.

The rest of your classes go like this. They are all full of imbeciles. Well not biology. In that class there was probably one of the smartest girls you have ever met. Her name was Jade Harley. She was significantly taller than you and had carmely tan skin that was nearly completely covered in freckles compared to yours which was a shade of grey. She had all the answers the the questions the teacher asked. You really hope that it not crazy to be a little flushed for her.

Your last class of the day was gym. It infuriates you to know that you'll have to change everyday for it. You're not even allowed to wear sweats you have to wear some stupid yellow uniform. Some other students in your class got purple ones. But you'd rather not think about that. The day finally ended. You decide to just go home and watch all your favorite rom coms it was a friday afteral.

Be Someone else ====>

You are now someone else. Your name is John Egbert and you have just finished your first day of high school. Most of your classes are interesting enough although for like half of your classes you don't really know any body but oh well that just means more chances to make new friends.

You are currently at a 7 eleven with your ultimate best friend of all time Dave. You were on your way to his apartment when he had a sudden craving for apple juice (which lets face it he always does) that just couldn't wait. So he was currently loading as many juice boxes of the stuff and then some into his arms. You grabbed some gushers and popcorn in case you got hungry later which you know you will.

Daves apartment isn't very far from the 7 eleven so he only had time to drain one juice box before you got there.

"I'm home i hope you're decent Dirk" dave yelled opening the door and slipping off his shoes. There was no response. Dave just shrugs and walks down the hall towards his room. As you pass Dirks room you hear the sound of the movie Avatar playing through a shut door. (Along with the very soft sound of smooches)

"Jakes probably over" Dave observes. The two of you share a look for a moment before bolting for Daves room you know what it means when Jakes over and the door is shut.(you dont want to hear anything more than them kissing if you have to, and you don't really even want to be hearing that) Dave closes his door behind him. You kick off your shoes which you probably should have done earlier and did the worlds best out of water belly flop onto Dave's bed.

"Its super lucky that the first day is on a friday right?" You say rolling over on to your back.

"Yeah" Dave says sorting through a pile of shit on one of his makeshift desks. "How'd it get this messy already I just cleaned it yesterday." He muttered pulling out his laptop.

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