Be the romantically challenged idiot ===>

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=====> Be the romantically challenged idiot.

Which one? There are plenty of options if this is your only requirement. But for this specific occasion, you become SOLLUX CAPTOR. You've just spent the night the only way you know how to when you can't sleep-playing video games to drown out the voices in your head telling you to kiss the girl. Aradia Megido hadn't moved out after 10 hours of lisping angrily at some unknown seadwellers who can't shoot straight in CoD, as you'd hoped. The only thing that stops you is a quick glance at the clock which blared a helpful reading of 2:21 am and the realization that Feferi Peixes will kill you if you don't get a good nights sleep before your feelings jam on an all too plentiful pile of tentacle monster plushies. Shit.

You don't really remember much after that, but you figure you fell asleep at the controller with the game still running, headpiece and microphone under your cheek. There are also multiple notifications from angry co players informing you to stop snoring and get shooting. After sending a quick message to whoever the seadwelling prick is to go pail himself because nobody else will, you set off to walk to Feferi's hive.

In your pajamas.

Hell yeah.

Feferi's hive is pretty big-but it's at the opposite end of town, a long long walk from your apartment complex. You usually exit through the fire exit rather than bothering with the stairwell inside. You had bad experience with the stairs. The ladder was all and all, much safer. You begin to make your way down.


Well shit. You look down from your perch on the fire escape to see a very angry matesprite decked in pastels, arms crossed. Her face looked as angry as her hair did like a tentacle monster ready to consume all at its disposal. You thought it was cute of your middle school moirail who was now your matesprite.

Her name is FEFERI PEIXES and BOY, is she ready to stab you with her queenly trident.

Never mind him lets see who Kanaya is ==>

You don't get it. Why does she hate you? Did I somehow manage to do something already? Rose Lalonde is a puzzle you will solve. You will find out what makes her tick no mater the cost. You will- oh shit she caught you staring at her.

You quickly look away to avoid meeting her eyes. They're such a lovely shade of lavender.

"Kanaya!" You snap back to attention. You completely forgot that you were in the middle of English class. Your teacher was glaring at you an open book in her hand.

"I'm sorry what?" You say your cheeks heating up a little. How could you have not been paying attention! Idiot!

"I asked you what symbols you found in this chapter of The Scarlet Letter but your mind seems to be elsewhere. Care to share what is clearly more deserving of your attention than my class?"

"I'm sorry I just zoned out." You say, your cheeks are on fire now. With out a doubt a deep shade of jade.

"If you are incapable of paying attention in class I don't see how you were able to get into this class."

"I'm sorry it won't happen again."

"It better not. Rose you give an example instead."

Oh god, you think your going to doe of embarrassment.

"One symbol that I found was the Rose bush which symbolizes death." Rose said with a clear voice.

"Very good Rose." The teacher said with a pointed glance at you.

The class continued on for a while as the teacher talked about the different symbols in The Scarlet Letter.

"Okay onto another topic. We have our first project coming up. You will cork in pairs decided by me. Your partners will be announced tomorrow." A series of groans comes from the class. You partake in this because who assigns a project the second week of school. The bell then rings startling you a little bit. You scramble to get all of your things together and out the door.

In the hallway Rose is talking to one of her male friends. The one with dark black hair. You're pretty sure his name is John. You simply don't understand how someone as intelligent as her could stand to hang out with him form what you managed to gather he's idiotic. But then again you do hang out with your fair share of idiots.

But still. It bothered you for some reason seeing her laughing with someone else. It made your blood pusher feel kinda funny. It was rather uncomfortable and you should probably see a doctor about it if this continues. A bump on you shoulder brings you back to attention and you scurry off to class.

In textiles and petter a your mind wanders again as you sketch outfits.

After a few minuets you realize from the nature of your sketches that your thoughts were back on Rose. Looking down at your work you truly impressed with yout self. The outfit you had designed looked like it would definitely suit her. It was a dress with a fitted purple and black striped bodice and a floor length purple skirt. There were golden straps and a gold belt around the hips held with a skull pin. The shoulders you think are a little bare so you shade them in lightly imagining the sheer black fabric that would go there.

Suddenly a rather large boom comes from a few classes down. Your teacher tries to keep the class calm. But the poor thing utterly fails as all of the students overpower her poured into the hallway. The hallway itself was filled with smoke spilling out of the home ec. lab and the whole class stood outside coughing.

"What's wrong with you Gamzee!" a girl yelled between coughs. She was human; her hair was pitch black and cut shorter than yours. She wore a baby blue shirt that matched her eyes and a skirt that came down to her knees. A pair of oval shaped glasses were perched on her nose that was sprinkled with freckles. She was talking, well yelling at your sort of friend Gamzee. He seemed to have grown taller since the last time you saw him. He now stood at least a foot over every one else. His black hair was messy as always. His eyes glazed over and droopy as he said "I thought it would add to the flavor." In his gravely voice.

"So you added fire crackers? Gosh golly thats an awfull idea."

"Would've been a mother fucking delicious pie though." Gamzee said grinning.

The PA system then turns on and the monotone voice of the secratary filled the halls. "Atention students, this is a non-fire emergency. Everyone please evacuate the building. Repeat.This is a non-fire emergency. Everyone please evacuate the building."

All hope of returning back to class was now shattered. The kids who had come into the hall to see what was going all had heard the magic words. They rushed for the doors carrying you along with them.

You're pushed into the stairwell and are so focused on not tripping over your own feet that you bump into a girl with long black hair and glassed. She was completley covered in freckles.

"I'm Sorry!" You say. She smiles and says it's okay before she turning away.

"HEY KANAYA." You hear from next to you. Karkat was standing next to you staring at the back of the girls head.

"Oh Hello Karkat. What Class Are You Coming From?" You ask trying to start a conversation. You hadn't seen him much over the summer.

"BIOLOGY." He said his eyes still locked on the black haired girls head.

"So Who Are You Looking At?"

This startles Karkat a little. But he almost half smiled. This is the happiest you've seen him in at least 3 sweeps [A/N that's like since he was 8 my math might be wrong]. He almost looked like he wasn't angry.

"JADE." He sighed. "SHE'S PERFECT."

[A/N hi it's me again hope you liked this chapter sorry if it took a while but hey my friends first bit was in this chapter I personally think she writes Sollux a lot better than me hopefully the next chapter won't take so long to write]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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