Stop Being a Self Dooming Idiot ===>

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[A/N so this is technically the first fic i've written and i'm doing it with a friend (she'll mainly be writing sollux's and aradia after the next chapter) so i hope you like it. also if i characterise any one wrong *cough sollux cough* i'm sorry its not intentional]

Stop Being a Self Dooming Idiot ======>

Hours earlier.

You are no longer the self dooming idiot. Instead you are now Rose Lalonde. You are currently aware that someone is staring at the back of your head. You turn your head slightly. Just enough to see the see who was staring at you. It was a troll girl. Her grey skin complimented her black hair that was neatly cut somewhere between a bob and a pixie cut that suited the shape of her face. Her bangs and long dark lashes framed her black eyes which were starting to turn a jade color. You couldn't help but stare at the lovely shade of black lipstick she had on.

She blinked and your eyes met for a moment. You quickly turn back to the front a faint blush burning on your cheeks. She caught you staring at her and that never happened with people before. You could still feel her eyes on your back. You settle a bit more in your seat as your english teacher reads names off of a sheet for attendance. Other students answered with either quiet mumbles or over excited 'here!'s.

"Rose Lalonde." The teacher calls maybe two minutes later.

"Present." You call back.

"Kanaya Maryam." Thats an interesting name pretty, you think wondering who it might belong to.


Her voice came from behind you. It was clean clear and proper, but with the slightest hint of an accent you couldn't quite place. You turn around again to see who it belonged to. The troll who had been been staring at you was now facing straight ahead her hand slightly raised and lips still a little parted.

You found yourself staring at her lips again and how you can almost see her pointed white canines in comparison to her dark shade of lipstick. You promptly turn back around.

You are here to learn Rose, you remind yourself, not stare at a pretty girls lips. The class hummed on around you as the teacher passed out the class syllabus for the year and talking about how you were taking a high honors course and that you were expected to act like young adults(little scholars)[a/n shudders remembering when remembering 10th grade english teacher saying that]

When the bell rang for the end of class you quickly get up and pack your things into your bag.

"Your name's Rose right?" Kanaya's voice said from behind you. You turn around and are taken aback by how much taller she was than you'd thought she'd be. She had at least a good six inches on you. She was dressed fashionably in all black except for her red skirt that ran to the floor. She gave you a polite type of smile and one of her canines appeared over the corner of her lower lip. You couldn't help but think of how perfect her teeth would be for biting.

Okay Rose no stop! You mentally smack yourself for thinking that.

"My name is Kanaya." She says after a moment of somewhat awkward silence. I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it when nothing came out. Your cheeks start to warm up a little and you give a slight nod before absconding quickly out of the room with out saying anything. Maybey you should have?

You quickly made your way to your next class, biology and saw your friend Jade sitting at a work table. You sighed in relief, at least you knew someone. You take the seat next to her with a smile.

"Hey Rose how's the day been going?" She smiled cheerily. She seemed to have gained even more of her countless freckles and a tan over the summer she spent back on her grandparents island. Her bright green eyes sparked behind her circular glasses. Despite having gotten her braces off two of her front teeth were kinda funny looking but that's what makes Jade Jade.

"Its been fine so far although last period there was this girl who kept staring at me."

"Well you're totally hot Rose!" Jade said enthusiastically. "Plus you have a price tag sticking out of your shirt."

The last part came out with a laugh. You start to blush as you reach for the back of your shirt and sure enough there was a tag sticking out.

"Don't worry I got it." Jade laughs pulling a small pair of scissors out of her backpack.

"That's so embarrassing." You mumble.

"It's not that bad it's not like you peed you pants or anything."

"But she was staring at me the whole class Jade."

"Rose your worrying way to much okay calm down."

"I guess. So have you had any classes with Dave yet?"

Jades face turned bright red. "Wh-what! Why would you ask that?" She squeaked.

You laugh a little bit. "I'll take that as a yes. How many?" She had the biggest crush on Dave and you found it adorable. Jade looked down at her hands for a second and held up two fingers.

"Which ones?"

"Well that's great Jade maybe you'll finally make a move."

Her face somehow seemed to get redder as she shook her head. "No! He'd only reject me!"

You let out a sigh she was do hopeless. Dave's thing for her was so obvious that a blind person could smell it from a mile away.[a/n hehe Terezi] It may be even more obvious than her thing for him as impossible as that seems.

"I don't think that's true you say as the bell rings and class starts.

At lunch you hang out with Jade John and Dave. You had fun catching up with each other. But once the period was ended and you walked into the gym and saw Kanaya sitting on the bleachers a set of yellow clothes on her lap. A slight look of disgust on her face as she looked down at it.

"Name?" The gym teacher grumbled.

"Rose Lalonde." You look away from Kanaya and instead focused on the purple uniform being placed in your hands.

"This will be your gym uniform. We start changing next Monday. Go sit on the bleachers."

You nod and go sit. You slip your head phones in and listen to your favorite violin piece to drown out all background noise. You felt eyes on your back again. You had an idea of who it was but to be sure you turned your head around a little and saw Kanaya looking at you. You ignore her though to embarrassed about the price tag and turn back around.

When the bell rings you are only momentarily released from her gaze before it was returned in your next class Latin then again in history.

Your name is Rose Lalonde and Kanaya is in half your classes.

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