Ray Has An Issue!

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"W-what?" I was shocked. "It makes sense!" Michael said, agreeing with Ray. "The bitten are turned in about two days. You lasted two weeks with no signs or symptoms." Ryan nodded "That's never happened in the duration of this apocalypse." I was awestruck. "So like, my blood is the cure?" I asked. "Guess so." Geoff said. "And you tried to kill me." I pouted. "Hey! I thought that was a fresh bite! I didn't know you would be the fucking cure! Fucking dicks..." I raised my eyebrow. Ray leaned over and whispered in my ear "He has an obsession with dicks." I giggled and Geoff gave us a questioning look. We sat there a while before we continued doing random stuff. Gavin sat next to me "Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded. "Good, I don't want anything bad happening to you." His hand found mine and he squeezed. "Why do you care about me so much? Is it because I'm the 'cure'?" I snickered. "Course not, you're very special love. I would do anything to protect you." I blushed a deep shade of red and he leaned over and kissed my head. My face got redder. "T-thanks." I mumbled. He got up and went to go bother Michael. Ray came over to me next. "So you're the cure?" He smiled. "Guess so." I grumbled. He frowned "You alright?" I shrugged. "I honestly don't know anymore." He pulled me into a hug and I shed a few tears. "Sh. Everything is going to be alright." He looked me dead in the eye. He got closer and said "We are going to protect you. I'm going to protect you." I nodded and blushed. Really? Blushing? My mind couldn't process well at the moment and I leaned and kissed him on the cheek. He gave a small smile and turned a little pink. "Go on, get outta here." I said and he chuckled "Yes ma'am!" He saluted and walked away. Lastly, Geoff approached me. "Hey kid, how you holding up?" Since I met Geoff, he always seemed like a father at times. At times. I shrugged. "I'm sorry for almost killing you," he rubbed the back of his neck "just trying to protect the group yknow?" I nodded. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a big knife and flipped it so it showed the blade. "Here, I want you to have this." I took the generous offer from Geoff "Just a melee weapon when you get in trouble. It would help you more than me." He said and gave a frank smile. "Thanks Geoff." I said and examined the knife. I pocketed the lethal knife and stood. "I'm sorry to break it to you guys, but I'm really hungry." Ray put his hands in surrender "Don't eat me!" I gave him a sarcastic laugh and he smiled in success. "So... We have to go out and get food, huh?" Ryan said quietly. "Yeah..." We all said. There was an awkward silence. "Lets just get through it quickly and watch each others' backs, ya?" We all nodded in agreement. Everyone grabbed their weapons and strapped on their ammo. I got out black lipstick and drew two lines under each of my eyes. "Skylar, what the fuck is that?" Michael asked. "It's lipstick." I said innocently. He rolled his eyes and whispered "Fucking girls..." Gavin looked out the window "Looks clear." "Alright, you guys ready?" Gavin ran to my side and nodded. I looked to my right and Ray was there gripping his machete. "Lets Play" he whispered to me and I giggled. "YEAH! MOGAR IS READY!!!" Michael screamed out, using his nickname. "Lets go!" Geoff yelled and kicked the door open. There were zombies all around them. "GAVIN!" Michael shouted in rage. "I'm sorry Mi-cool! I thought it was clear!" Gavin complained. "Never mind that! We got to get Skylar to somewhere safe!" Geoff ordered and everyone circled me. "Guys, I'm not a fucking pansie. I can fight!" I argued and Geoff shook his head. "No you have to be- WAIT!" I ran out of the circle and started shooting the zombies. The guys came back to me and covered me. There were at least 100 zombies (I thought it looked like that much) and we were surrounded. "We can do this!" I told the others. We starting fighting. All of us were fighting off at least 6 zombies at once. "RAY HAS AN ISSUE!" Ray screamed. "So here's a tissue!" Gavin replied. "Gavin there's no time for fucking around!" Jack yelled. I finished off my part of zombies and turned to help Ray. He was on the ground with a zombie on top of him. The zombie was squirming like a crazy worm. The zombie found an opening that Ray wasn't protecting and bit his neck and ripped some flesh. He cried out in pain. "NO! RAY!" I scream. I shot the zombie through the head and Ray pushed him off. He got up shakily and looked like he was about to pass out. I ran up and caught him before he hit the floor. "Jesus! What happened?!" The guys ran up and out of breath. "He was bitten! We have to find somewhere like right now!" They stood there for a moment and looked at the very pale and bitten Ray. "GO YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" I screamed. They started moving again and shot other zombies while I helped Ray into a building. "Check the area! Make sure there's no zombies." I demanded. They ran off. I set down Ray and teared up. "S-Skylar..." He moaned. "Oh my God Ray. I'm so sorry! I'm so fucking sorry this happened to you! God damnit!" I hit the floor hard with my fist and then let out a cry of pain. "This is all my fault." I cried into his chest. He brushed some hair from my eyes and wiped a tear from my face. "Skylar, I need to do something." I nodded "Yes, what is it?" I said frantically. "Before I become one of those things..." He grabbed my face and crashed his lips onto mine. I was shocked at first, but then I kissed back. I broke the kiss, still crying. I had an idea. "Skylar! What are you doing?" Ray said, his eyes going wide as I pulled out the big knife Geoff gave me. "Hopefully saving your life." I said and held the blade to my arm and dragged the knife across. "AHHH!" I screamed and a few tears escaped my eyes. I looked at the open wound, the blood running down my arm. I wiped it up and it rested on my fingers. I put my fingers to Ray's bite and he hissed. "Sorry," I apologized "I know it helps, but it's going to work!" I reassured him. I spread some more blood on his bite and I saw the bite look better than it was before. "Holy shit!" I jumped back. "What?!" Ray asked in a scared tone. "It's working!" I cut myself again a few more times. "Skylar... Don't cut yourself up too much!" Ray warned me. I was already feeling a little dizzy, but I didn't care. I kept smearing the blood on his bite. "What the hell is going on?" The guys walked back over to us. "It's working! I'm healing him!" I showed them his bite. It was slowly fading away. "Dear God..." Jack said aloud in shock.


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