A Good Friend

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Our group trudged on "Well, first day down, about 30 more to go." Ryan groaned and everyone let out a frustrated sigh. "What if... What if we don't make it?" Ryan muttered. I looked at him like he just punched me in the face "We are freaking Achievement Hunter! Of course we'll make it!" I reassured them "But look at us! Ray's been bitten, and Geoff is already part zombie!" Ryan barked at me and I heard Geoff groan. "Ryan! We are going to make it!" I screamed back. "How do you know?!" I went quiet "I don't k-know." I whispered. "Lets just keep going." I snapped to Ryan and he backed off. I sighed and walked onward ahead of the others. CRUNCH. I tensed up and listened. God damn that scared the shit out of me. Thought I heard a zombie... "ARRGRRHHRGGRRHH!" A zombie sprinted at me. "SHIT!!!!!" I screamed as I turn and ran past the group. More running zombies chased us. "DON'T SEPARATE! WHATEVER YOU DO-!" Jack yelled to us but his voice faded off. I kept running, hearing the zombie close behind me. I tripped on a log and face planted into the ground. The zombie grabbed my arm and I struggled and tried to pull out my knife. I yanked it out and shoved it into the zombie's neck. He clawed at my face and I squirmed around, trying to prevent my face from being ripped open. The blue light slowly faded out of the zombie's eyes and I threw the body off of me. I got up and looked around. "RAY? GAVIN? JACK? Fucccccccckkkk meeee!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Birds screeched and flew from the trees. Footsteps were growing louder. Shit! I ran behind a rock and counted to myself. 1...2...3! I jumped out from behind a rock and aimed my gun. My shoulders relaxed when I recognized who it was. No, not one of the guys, but a good friend of mine. "Miles!" I screamed and practically jumped onto him. "Oh my god! Is that you Skylar?!" He put my face in his hands and stared down my face to make sure I was me. "Yeah! Wow I can't believe you're alive!" I cheered "Are you alone?" I nodded "My group and I were separated because of the zombies." He mumbled an apology "I'll stay by your side!" Miles said. "You have a gun?" He nodded and pulled out a shotgun. I smiled and showed him my M-14 "Oh that looks shitty." He joked and I punched his arm "It's all I have dickhead." I joked back. Miles and I had been friends since first grade. Scratch the friends part, we were BEST friends. "Lets head out." He told me and I followed his lead. We went straight through the forest, only having to kill a few zombies. We walked in silence and I desperately wanted to tell him about my... You know. "So..." I started "Anything bad happen so far?" He shook his head. "I'm just glad I found you." He said and then he hugged me. He squeezed me and I squeezed back. "C'mon, lets get out of here." He stated and grabbed my hand and pulled me along. It seemed like hours, only it has been about 30 minutes that Miles and I were traveling. I heard something and gripped my gun. There were more footsteps following the ones I heard. Fuck, a zombie group. Miles pulled me behind him and held his gun out. Gun aimed at the direction of the sounds. It was foggy so it was hard to see. The first figure emerged from the trees. A dark figure walking towards them, with others following. Miles aimed at the first figure and shot. "GAHHH FUCK!" The figure screamed. I recognized that voice "Jack! Oh my god you shot Jack!" My group appeared from the fog. "Guys!" I shouted. But they weren't paying attention because they tackled Miles to the floor. Ray put a knife to his throat. "First you kidnap a girl and know you shoot my friend? I'm going to fucking murder you!" Ray screamed in rage. I ran over and pulled Ray off "No, Ray! Don't please!" He pushed me back as Miles scrambled to his feet. Ray aimed his gun at Miles. "NO!" I screamed and ran in front of Miles. Ray put his gun down "Skylar move!" I shook my head "He didn't mean it! He's a good friend of mine!" I protested. Miles grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him in a protective manner. "I won't let you harm Skylar!" Miles yelled at the guys. Ray put his gun down "Dude I'm not going to hurt my girlfriend." Ray said aloud. I was shocked. I'm Ray's girlfriend? He's never called me his girlfriend before. "What? You two are dating?" Miles asked, pointing at both of us. I swallowed and said "Yeah." He stepped back with his hands up "Alright Alright! I didn't mean to injure your pal okay? I just shot him in the shoulder!" Miles said. Jack groaned and yelled "It was my good shoulder!" Ryan ran to his side and started to patch him up. "So are you going to give me a reason why this fucker is with you?" Ray said angrily. "We found each other when I was lost, you should thank him for returning me safely." I snapped back "I would've died without him." He snorted "Sure" "He's coming with us." I ordered. "Fuck no, I don't trust this guy." Ray glared at Miles, who silently watched us bicker. "He's coming. End of discussion." I demanded. Ray groaned and kept glaring into Miles' eyes. "Fine." He said and wrapped his arm around my waist "But you're staying in the back." He growled at Miles. He nodded in return and we set off. "There's no need to be jealous Ray." I whispered to him. "I'm not jealous!" He protested and I raised my eyebrow at him. "I just don't trust him..." I nudged his arm and gave him a peck on the lips "Don't worry, we can trust him. I've known him for a long time!" "I'm still keeping my eye on him." Ray said and coughed "You alright big boy?" I smirked. "Yeah, I'm good." Ray smiled. I heard zombies behind us and we all ran harder through the foggy forest, occasionally running into trees.


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