Chapter 20

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     Raquel and the rest of the cheer leaders had huddled together just inside the gymnasium. They shared a silent moment before they were called on to the main floor to being their routine. They quickly gathered in three small groups on the floor, their heads bowed silently as they waited for the music to start.

     The anticipation was palpable as it always was in those brief moments before the music started. To them the moment seemed to drag on for hours, in reality though it was only a few seconds.

   As the first beats of the song rang out from the speakers, all of the anxieties slipped away and the girls morphed into a well-tuned machine moving in beat with the rhythm of the music. The girls were in small three groups each seemingly operating independently of each other with their own flyers, but still somehow syncing up with the other groups.

     As the routine progressed the three groups began forming together and reforming with different members creating a mesmerizing effect that was hard to ignore. As the routine came to a close everyone readied for the big finish. The three groups reorganized themselves into two one with Raquel and one with Kelsey. On the final note of the song they tossed Kelsey and Raquel to the opposite group.

     The routine finished with applause from the onlookers in the stand. Though the judges didn't give any outward signs of being impressed out of professionalism, everyone could tell that they were just as impressed with the performance as everyone else was.

      Everyone gave a bow and ran off of the gym floor to make way for the next team. They met an ecstatic coach Miles outside.

"Great job again everyone I knew you guys could do it!" she said happily. Everyone was all smiles and congratulations, as they felt they had surely just secured themselves the first place finish.

      As everyone else was celebrating a job well done Brittney snuck off by herself. Not that she didn't want to celebrate with anyone, but the day's events had left her incredibly tired and she needed a moment to catch her breathe before celebrating with everyone. While she was sitting off by herself she was surprised by a friendly tap on the shoulder.

"Good job honey," came the voice of Barbra Cheng who had snuck up on her daughter.

"Mom!" Brittney exclaimed surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I got an interesting call from the headmaster. So I rushed down here before they shipped your sister off to juvie."

"So you know what happened then?" Brittney said quietly.

"Yes I do," Brittney turned her head sadly. "Hey, I'm not mad at you ok," Barbra said reassuringly. "None of this is your fault, and you shouldn't have to be put through something like that." Brittney was still quiet. "And I know that you wouldn't do anything like that if you had the choice."

"I'm glad one of us feels that way," Brittney said grabbing her arm.

"Hey enough of that," Barbra said gently brushing some hair out of Brittney's face. "You've grown up so much since I brought you back home, you've matured into a smart and wonderful young woman, and I am very proud of you." Brittney blushed.

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