Chapter 23

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     Raquel was the first the stir the next morning. Both she and Sadie had ended up sleeping in pretty late as they had stayed up the night before. Despite their best efforts Raquel and Sadie couldn't hope to make their blanket fort as comfortable as a bed so Raquel managed to beat Brittney and Ryan awake, though the quality of her sleep could be put in to question. Only one person in the house managed to beat Raquel awake, Kelsey, who was sitting quietly in a nearby chair. Raquel beamed as she saw Kelsey. She quickly rose out of the pile of blankets with her hair in a mess and wearing nothing but her t-shirt and a very obviously wet diaper. Despite Raquel's happy expression Kelsey did not seem as amused.

"What's wrong?" Raquel asked wondering why Kelsey wasn't returning her happiness.

"Have fun last night?" Kelsey asked accusingly.

"What?" Raquel asked not quite getting what Kelsey was asking.

"It just seems like you and Sadie got really close last night," Kelsey said gesturing to Sadie who was beginning to squirm among the pile of blankets.

"It's not what you think," Raquel said seriously after finally figuring out what Kelsey was suggesting. As Raquel said this Sadie also woke. One glance at Kelsey and Sadie uttered a small screech from her and she instinctively covered up with a blanket as she was in a similar dress to Raquel and did not want Kelsey to find out about her diapers.

"Oh really it's not what I think it is?" Kelsey asked angrily, Sadie's shocked reaction not helping to convince her otherwise.

"No it's really not!" Raquel said more defensively this time. She was about to explain the entire situation until she looked at Sadie and her deathly panicked expression and decided against it. "Can you just trust me?" Raquel said annoyed.

"No!" Kelsey said offended. "Clearly I've been trusting you too much as it is! To think that for a second I thought I had found someone that understands me," Kelsey said beginning to tear up.

"Kelsey," Raquel said trying to get her to calm down.

"And with you of all people," Kelsey said angrily gesturing to Sadie. "Not in to girls huh?" Sadie could only nervously quiver in response very aware of how much of her diaper the blanket she was hiding under was covering. "Please, Just so you know I would have been a lot better to you than she will."

"Kelsey it's really not what you think it is."

"Then what is it? Why don't you explain to me what exactly I'm looking at?" Raquel again glanced at Sadie who seemed to be fearing what she thought was going to be the inevitable reveal.

"I can't tell you," Raquel said unwilling to sell Sadie out. "You're just going to have to trust me. I wouldn't do that to you Kelsey." Raquel said earnestly.

"Save it," Kelsey said now fully in tears. "I can't believe you. It was stupid of me to open up to anyone," Kelsey said as she ran outside.

"Kelsey!" Raquel said worried. She followed Kelsey out into the cold despite her lack of pants. The ice from the night before was only just beginning to thaw so Kelsey had to be careful as she got into her car. Raquel couldn't move fast enough to stop her before she shut the door and locked it. Raquel banged lightly on the glass of the driver's side door. "Come on Kelsey don't do this to yourself. Let's just talk about it." Kelsey abruptly put her car in reverse causing Raquel to lose her balance and fall. Raquel yelled as she fell on her knee in the driveway.

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