Lukas VS WP! Lukas

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(reference to Jack vs Mad Jack)
Lukas: What sorcery is this? Who are you?
WP! Lukas: Don't be such a fool. I'm you.
Lukas: If you are me, then who am I?
WP! Lukas: Nrrgghh! You're so stupid! You are you also.
Lukas: Enough! You are my mirrored image, yet your speech is foul, evil, and disrespect. Who are you and how have you come to be me?!
WP! Lukas: I am the ghost of WP's magic. She have looked deep within you and have spawned me from your own burning hatred. I am your dark side and I possess all the power that you wield, and I have only one purpose in my existence: to destroy you!

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