GHOST REUBEN .:Samurai Jack Reference:.

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A bunch of pigs with armours and swords/axes/hoes ran past Jesse.
M!Jesse: Wha! Who?!
Ghost!Reuben: Oink! (Jesse boy!) *went through Jesse* Oiiink...(Wait. Keep forgetting about that.)

M!Jesse: You''re alive?
Ghost!Reuben: Oink-oink. (Aye. Just a weeny bit.)
Ghost!Reuben: Oink! (Enchanted magic!) Oink, oiink? (Oi, you wanna meet me bonnie daughters?) *names all of his pig daughters*
M!Jesse: So many...
Reuben: Oiink. Oink, oink-oink. (Aye, me pride and joy. Now, take your pick. I'll be mighty proud.)
M!Jesse: I cannot.
Reuben: OINK?! (What?! You're suddenly to good for me girls??)
M!Jesse: Oh, no no. I-I met someone.
Reuben: Oink-oiiink~? (Then, who~?)
*Corrupted!Lukas screams in rage*
M!Jesse: Him...
*Corrupted!Lukas destroys all of Reuben's pig daughters while riding a skeleton horse and holding an enchanted axe*
Reuben: Oink...(I don't think he's your type, laddie.)

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