A Blessed Proposal

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Jason had never met Aphrodite himself.  Well, not until the day he'd gotten up the courage to buy the ring, at least.

He'd just left the jewelry shop with a black velvet box in his pocket containing what could possibly change his life.  He had everything planned out.  Annabeth, Reyna, and Hazel were taking Piper shopping.  Percy and Frank were getting the things for the picnic together.  Nico and Will had a camera set up.  Everything was running smoothly.  He just had to get dressed.

Jason glanced at his watch and swore in latin under his breath.  He was running late.

"Jason Grace," an authoritative voice called from behind him as he ran for the cross walk.  Jason turned to find a woman standing there.  Her appearance shifted until she looked exactly like Piper.  Exactly.  Jason's eyes widened.

"Aphrodite?" He asked.  The goddess smiled at him.

"Of course," Jason stood there awkwardly, unsure of how to even address the goddess.

"You'll be referring to me as your mother-in-law soon enough," She stated glancing at the pocket containing the ring.

"Uh, yeah, if she says yes." He responded.  Aphrodite smiled warmly.

"She will.  I can feel it.  The love you two share is so...so pure." Jason couldn't stop the blush rising to his cheeks.

"Thank you, I suppose."  He shifted nervously on his feet.  "Aphrodite?" He looked to the goddess and she continued to smile.  "I had asked Mr. McLean and he'd given me his blessing, but...may I marry your daughter?" He asked.  To say Aphrodite looked surprised would have been an utter lie, she was far from it.

She had known this was coming, after all.  Jason was an old school kind of guy, and she'd watched as  he had asked Tristan McLean for Piper's hand.  It warmed her to her very core.

The goddess nodded her head.

"I give you my blessing," and she did.  She gave him her literal blessing.  A light shimmered over head and Jason could hear doves.  A moment later the light had subsided.  He was now clad in a button down shirt, matching tie, dress pants, and dress shoes.  His hair had been fixed up, his facial hair trimmed, and his glasses looked brand new.  He caught his reflection in a store window and blinked.  He looked damn good.

Jason turned back to thank Aphrodite, but she was already gone.  His phone vibrated in his pocket and he cursed again.  Jason played a game of chicken as he dashed across the street.  He hailed a cab and directed the driver to a nearby park.

Jason made it in time, luckily.  He rushed to the spot he'd picked out to find Percy and Frank setting up the table they'd brought with.

"Here you are!" Leo said with a grin setting down a small box.  It was a music player designed not only to play something to set the mood, but help calm Jason's nerves.  He still had his doubts after all.  Even if the goddess of love had reassured him, he wouldn't feel better until he knew for sure.

"Woah, you cleaned up nice," Frank commented with a grin.  "Don't worry about it, Jason.  It's going to be great."

"Annabeth said they're on their way!" Percy shouted from a few feet away.

"Get out of here guys!" Jason ushered his friends into their hiding spots and went to meet Piper.

"See you later Pipes!" Hazel, Annabeth, and Reyna waved their friend away and she waved back.  Piper was clad in a sundress that complimented her skin tone.  Her hair cascaded down her shoulders and she smiled brightly at Jason.

"Hey," she said.  

"Hey," Jason responded almost breathlessly.  He held out his arm.  "Follow me," She gladly took it and followed him through the park.

"Pipes, close your eyes."   Piper did as instructed and let Jason lead her the rest of the way there.  "And, open." He said.  Piper opened her eyes to see the picnic displayed before her.  A blanket was laid out with a table and two chairs.  The table was set complete with cloth, plates, cutlery, napkins, and glasses.  A basket was set off to the side.

"Jason!" Piper exclaimed.  She turned to him.  "What is all of this?" She asked with a smile.  "You did this for me?" Jason gave a nod.

"Of course," He kissed her cheek and led her to the table.  Jason pulled out her chair for her and Piper took her seat.  Jason immediately took the seat across from her and passed out the food.  He'd made it a point to make everything vegetarian friendly.  The music player started and Jason's nerves slowly dissipated.  After they had finished eating, Jason began playing with the box in his pocket.  He pulled it out, keeping it hidden in his hand.


"Yea?" Jason sighed.  It was now or never.

"I have something important I'd like to ask you," Piper leaned forward.


"Piper McLean," he started causing her eyes to widen.  "I've known you for a year shy of a decade, and I've loved every minute I've spent with you.  Whether it was fighting monsters, fighting each other, or just sitting silently, I've loved it." Jason continued his speech warming up to the big question.

"And most of all, I love you." He finished after a minute.  He stood, walked over to her, and got onto one knee.  Piper's eyes were already watering.  "And I'd be honored if you'd make me the happiest demigod, no, the happiest man on earth, Olympus, even in the Underworld by marrying me." He pulled out the princess cut ring.  "What do you say, Pipes? Will you marry me?"

Piper was lost for words.  All she could do was nod and Jason slid the ring on her finger.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" A chorus of voices shouted popping out from various well placed hiding spots.  Piper jumped in her seat as Leo threw confetti over her head.  

"Wait!" Piper called after a moment.  She stood and walked over to Annabeth, everyone watching her.  "Will you be my maid of honor?" She asked with a smile.  Annabeth nodded and the two girls embraced.  Percy and Leo clapped Jason on either side of his shoulder.

"So, who's the best man?" Leo asked with an eyebrow waggle.  Jason shook his head ignoring the question.  Instead he looked up to the sky and sighed uttering something he never thought he'd genuinely do.  Especially to a goddess.

"Thank you," Aphrodite.

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