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Solangelo AU where Nico has a fear of thunder.  It's storming and Will had a long day at the hospital, but all he can think about is getting home and comforting Nico.


Another crash of thunder, another strike of lightening, more rain.

Will let out a sigh as the windshield wipers flicked to and fro at the highest setting.  He had to get home.  He was completely and utterly over today.  His boss had yelled at him, he'd managed to drop an entire box of sterilized implements, and now it was raining.


Another crash of thunder and Will's cell began to buzz.  He glanced down at the caller I.D.


"Crap," Will murmured.  He could only drive so fast in the traffic and the rain, but seeing Nico's name made him want to get home faster.  It was thundering after all, and little did most of Nico's friends know, but he had an almost crippling fear of thunder.

Will reached over and answered the call putting it on speaker.  Another crash of thunder and Will heard Nico whimper on the other side.

"I'm almost home.  I'll be there soon, alright?" Will tried to sound reassuring, but it was hard when the love of his life was scared and alone.

"Okay, how was your day?" Will smiled.  Nico had a habit of distracting himself by talking about everything and everyone else around him.

"It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't all that great either," Will admits.

"Oh? What hap-" another whimper and Will's grip on the steering wheel tightened.  "pened?" Nico finished.

"You know how we get shipments on Thursdays?" 


"I dropped an entire box, kid you not, an entire box of sterilized implements.  It broke open too.  Luckily everything is triple packaged, but it was a lot to clean up, and my boss yelled at me for it." 

"Want me to beat him up?" Nico offered with a slight laugh.  Will laughed too.  Nico was tough, and could easily take his boss, there was no doubt about that.  However, Nico was also good foot(give or take) shorter than Will's giant of a boss.

"Do it," Will encouraged.  "Hey, I'm pulling into the parking garage now, I'll be up soon."

"See you soon," Before they hung up another crash of thunder sounded and Nico whimpered again.  Will pulled into the nearest parking spot as their call ended and booked it to their apartment.

The traffic was hell and the parking garage was across the street, so Will spent a solid three minutes waiting until he saw enough of an opening that he risked it.  He bolted across the street and made his way over to their building.  Will unlocked the outer door and bolted up the five flights of stairs it took to get to their apartment.  He didn't have the time to wait for their rickety old elevator and he certainly didn't want to take it in a storm like this.

Will hadn't even noticed that his short period outside had left him drenched until Nico protested.

Will had entered their apartment just as the light's went out.

"Crap," He muttered.

"Will?" Nico asked in a small voice.  Will shut the door behind him and locked it.

"Yea, it's me." Another crash of thunder followed by lightening caused Nico to jump.  Will could just make out the silhouette of his boyfriend from the lightening.  He hurried across the apartment and pulled the smaller man into his arms.



"You're soaked and cold go change!" Nico ordered.  Will laughed.

"Aw, Neeks, come on," He held onto Nico tighter.

"Don't 'Neeks' me! Go change!" Nico said pulling away from Will's grasp.

"Kill joy," Will left Nico in the hall.  A few seconds later Nico joined Will in their bedroom.  "Are you okay?" Will asked Nico after a moment of silence.

"It isn't as bad this time," Nico said.  Another crash of thunder disproved his statement entirely.

"Right," Will turned to his boyfriend and smiled.  "I'm dry now," He held out his arms.  Nico buried himself in Will's chest only mere seconds later.  Will wrapped his arms around Nico and kissed the top of his head.  The two made their way over to the bed and curled up on it waiting until the lights came back on.  They exchanged stories about their day until they had nothing left to say, and eventually fell into a comfortable silence.

The lights flickered back on and Will noticed the thunder had stopped.

"Neeks," He said only to realize Nico was asleep.  He smiled and kissed Nico's cheek.  "Sweet dreams, sunshine."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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