The Test

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AU where Percy and Annabeth aren't demigods, but in fact, high school sweethearts.  They're a few months out from graduating.


Annabeth was pacing back and forth in the bathroom.  She knew the signs.  She knew the symptoms.  She knew the answer, but still she waited.  She waited about three seconds until she glanced down at the test.  Nothing yet.  She paced again.

"Annabeth? Sweetie?" Sally's voice called from the other side of the door.  "Anything yet?" Annabeth looked down to the test.  Positive.  There was no mistaking the little blue cross.  She'd tested positive.

She slowly opened the bathroom door with wide eyes.  What was she going to do? She was only eighteen! She couldn't have a kid, could she?

"Oh honey," Annabeth didn't have to say anything for Sally to know.  The look on her face, the lack of color, the nervous sweat all gave away the result.  Sally pulled her into a hug.  "It's going to be okay.  I'm here for you."

She felt her phone buzz in her back pocket.  It was probably Percy wondering where she was.  It was about time for Modern Lit, a class they shared together, and she never skipped school.  But she did skip.  Just this once.  It was far too important.

Annabeth had called Sally two days prior voicing her concerns.  She explained how she noticed the broken condom and how she'd been on anti-biotics.  It was a bit embarrassing, but better than discussing it with her own mother.  Her mother would freak, and Sally was like a mother to her.  She was even nice enough to purchase the test for Annabeth, and pick her up from school when she hadn't been feeling well earlier in the day.

"What are we going to do?" Annabeth asked.  She buried her face into Sally's shoulder.  She didn't feel like crying, no.  Part of her was elated, and part of her was scared, but there wasn't a part of her that felt like crying.  

"Whatever you and Percy decide, I'll support." Sally said. She pulled away to give Annabeth a reassuring smile.  "Call him and tell him to come home, okay?" Annabeth nodded and Sally left her to herself.  Annabeth pulled out her phone at looked at the several messages she'd gotten from Percy.

Seaweed Brain: Wise girl! Where r u? Class is about to start!
11:00 am

Seaweed Brain: Hey! Annabeth! Class has started!
11:03 am

Seaweed Brain:  Hey, r u ok?
11:13 am

Seaweed Brain:  Annabeth???
11:20 am

Annabeth sighed and called Percy's cell phone.  He didn't answer, but she imagined him raising his hand and asking to use the bathroom.  About a minute later, her phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, where are you?" Percy asked on the other end.

"I'm at your place.  I wasn't feeling well and your mom picked me up." She sighed.

"Oh? I'm sorry.  Feeling any better?" Annabeth remained silent.  


"Percy, can you come home?" She didn't say his name often, but when she did he knew it was serious.

"I'll be there in a half hour." With that Percy hung up the phone.  Annabeth stared at it for a long while.  Her background picture was a photo of the two of them.  She couldn't help but smile.

The half hour passed slowly, but finally the door opened and the sound of Percy's frantic foot steps reached Annabeth's ears.

"Hi, sweetie," Sally said to him as he entered.

"Hey, where's Annabeth?"

"Your room," Percy made a beeline for his bedroom and found Annabeth sitting on the bed criss-cross apple sauce.

"Hey," He said softly.  Annabeth looked up to him and the tears she had thought she didn't harbor fell.  "Hey, hey, what's with the water works?" Percy took a seat next to her and pulled her into his arms resting his chin on her head.  "What's going on?" 

"Percy...I'm..." she didn't have to finish the sentence.  Percy's brain went foggy from confirmation of his suspicions.  Annabeth had been acting odd for a few days, and he had come to two conclusions.  Either she was breaking up with him, or she was pregnant.  He thanked his lucky stars it was the latter.  He let out a sigh of relief.  "I'm pregnant," Annabeth finished.  Percy kissed the top of her head.

"That's great," He said simply.  She pulled back and looked up at him.

"What?" Percy smiled.

"What? It could be worse.  You could have cancer, you could be moving away, hell you could have wanted to break up with me, but no.  You're growing a mini us.  In comparison to all of my worries the passed week, that's great news." Annabeth couldn't contain her laugh.

"You're an idiot, Seaweed Brain."

"But I'm your idiot," he added.  Percy pulled her back to him and held her.  "We'll make it through this.  I promise," With that said Annabeth believed him.  She believed they'd make it through this, and she wasn't alone.  She had Percy and Sally to help her.  She knew no matter how her parents reacted, she'd make it through this.  They'd make it through this.

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