8:Ian ,mike, mark.

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Amy's P.O.V

"Ty, I can't stop thinking about those horses, I think we should bring them to heartland" I say, Ty shakes his head.

"Amy, you need to relax, Scott got them and is caring for them. " Ty says.

We sit on the couch up on the hayloft, our new room, the sun beginning to set.

"Are you sure?" I say, not prepared to give up.

"Relax, Amy, it'll be fine, you've been through a lot and so has Lou, just relax" Ty says, reaching out and pushing my hair gently back.

He puts his hand on my chin and gently brings me to him, he kisses me gently and for a moment it feels like it's us, only us in this world.

We break apart from the passionate kiss and we smile.

"Better?" Ty says, I smile and nod, "better.".

"Good, now come on let's go have dinner" Ty says, taking my hand and gently pulling my up with him.
[dinner/ tea- whatever you call it where you live- A/n]

In the ranch house at the dinner table everyone is silent, and it scares me.

I excuse myself early and go sit on the deck going over everything that had happened the last two days in my head.
I don't know when but I must of fell asleep or something because when I wake up I'm in the hayloft, on the bed.

"Morning sleepy head" Ty grins at me, he holds two cups of tea.

"Morning?...wasn't I on the deck?" I question sitting up and Ty laughs.

"I found you, you must of been half asleep, you kept on muttering things that didn't make sense so I took you up here" Ty chuckles softly, handing me a cup of tea, I take It from him.

"What's the time?" I yawn, remembering the many nightmares I had, but couldn't wake up from.

"It's about seven" Ty says.

"Oh, I better go help turn out those horses" I say standing up.

Ty nods "I'll be down in a minute" he says. I nod and gather my clothes to take a shower.

*after the shower*

I pull on my boots and head out the door, kissing Ty.

I go towards Spartans stall, he needs a good rest so I think he can go out in the paddock for a couple'a hours.

I clip his lead on and lead him out towards the paddock.

Ty's P.O.V

I realise I had been showering for quite a long time and get changed and head down to help bring the last of the horses and or ponies out to the fields to graze.

I lead out a bay but am surprised to see Spartans lead dangling and no one in sight.

I lead both horses into the paddock and unclip there leads, but to my surprise Spartan, who is usually very well behaved, circles around and canters past me and out the gate, stopping only just in front of the hayloft.

Forever alone- a heartland fanfic~ilikehorsesandcakeWhere stories live. Discover now