Chapter 25

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A/n: remember, Amy is eight almost nine months preg :)
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~ilikehorsesandcake signing out.

------Amy's P.O.V------

"Ugh, at least the morning sickness isn't that bad" I say as I struggle with my shoes.
Ty bends down and helps me. He rubs my swallowed stomach.
"I can't even see my feet" I complain as we walk out the door.
"It's ok Ames, you look really hot pregnant " Ty says, grinning.
We share a kiss, kinda..the baby girl kinda gets in the way.

We walk up to turbo, he stops munching on his hay and looks up at us.

Turbo is a 7 year old chestnut gelding with an attitude.
And you'd think he'd be well behaved.....
"Well hey boy" I say as he stares us down."Ok, let's get him to the arena" I add and Ty and I, mostly Ty lead him with struggles into the arena.

The ring has been updating to well, an outdoor arena. It now has softer sand, if that's possible and stronger fences, it's a little bigger too.

Ty shuts the gate and we lean against it, from the outside.
I watch the horse as it stands as far away from us as possible, sniffing at the sand.

"I'm gonna attempt join up" I mumble, opening the gate.
"Amy, no...remember what the doctor said, past seven months and no work like this, remember, observations only." Ty says.
"It's ok Ty, I'll be fine!" I assure him and close the gate behind me.

"Ya, get up boy" I say, swinging the rope as I approach him.
He snorts and turns to me, he rears.
"Amy!, Amy get out of there now" I here Ty's voice but ignore it.
"Whoa boy" I mumble. "Get up,come on" I urge.

"Amy!" "Come on " I here Ty's voice and look over at him.
"Ty, I'm fine ok!" I say.

---5 mins later---
"Whoa!" I yell, the chestnut prancing and snorting, sending sand all over the place.
He rears, bucks, twists then suddenly stops, staring at me.

"Look, Ty. See it?,it's a whip mark" I turn to Ty and point at turbos neck, it was hidden under his now all-over-the place mane.

"Yes, I see that, I didn't know he was abused" Ty responds.
Then suddenly hoofs beat, fast.
I turn. Turbo leaping towards me, Ty yells:  "AMY, GET OUT OF THE WAY" and I feel a sudden sharp pain, I find myself falling to the sand, my world disappearing before my eyes into darkness.
-----Ty's P.O.V---
I jump the gate and run to Amy, blood running from her head, that stupid horse over at the other end of the arena.

I take Her Unconscious head in my lap.
Georgie comes out of the barn,she must of been with Phoenix.
"ohmygod what happened!" She says, I turn to her briefly.
"Tell everyone, call triple zero, call an ambulance , NOW!" I panic.
She takes one look at Amy and sprints into the house.
---Georgie's P.O.V---
I take one look at Amy, my auntie Amy lying on the ground, head in Ty's lap and sprint into the house, out of breath.
I burst through the door, not closing it.
"Georgie, Georgie honey what's wrong?" Lisa says, touching my shoulder.
"" I say, between breaths.
She looks out the window.
"Please go find Lou and Jack, tell them what happened. I'm calling for an ambulance" Lisa says and I nod, searching the house frantically.

I find mum in her room, playing with Katy.
"Mum...Amy's.. hurt, Lisa's ambulance ... Where's..Jack?" I ask.
She bends down to my sight.
"Ok, grandpas out on a cattle round up, please go wait for the ambulance.." Mum/Lou says, "she's-she's unconscious" I stutter. I don't think I've ever seen any thing like it. "It's ok, everything will be ok" Lou says,she gives me a quick hug and I bring Katy outside with me, we wait on the porch.

--------Ty's P.O.V------
I know that I have to try and keep her awake.

In a few minutes that feel like hours the sirens finally approach.

Lou sits with me.

The ambulance pulls up outside the house.
"OVER HERE" I scream, it'd probably make Amy death but anything to keep her conscious.

Three come running, one with a stretcher.
"Ok, let's get to work" they say and do all kind of things.
"Sir, please let go of her, you need to" a man says and I tearfully obey.

I get in the ambulance with them and sit by her side.
---3rd P.O.V---
Lou follows behind and Lisa stays back with Georgie and Katy , she calls Tim and Jack, telling them to get their asses to the hospital.

The ambulance whizzes down the road.
Ty here's beeps and buzzing. Everything's a daze to him, he can't help but pray, he loves Amy and this child, he wants and needs Amy, he can't loose her and he's certain that he's not going to let her go.
Meanwhile when Mallory comes over for her daily helpings she's in for a shock. Soon she's staying back with Georgie and Katy while Lisa goes in.
Wow, Mallory, in charge. That's a change-she thinks.

--------------------TY'S P.O.V-------------------
We pull up at the hospital emergency section and doctors are waiting.
They wiz her away and I follow for as long as I can until I'm stopped outside a door.
"Sir, take a seat, you can't come in but we'll keep you posted" a doctor says then dissapears into the room.

I collapse onto a wooden bench and have my head bowed, staring at a spot in the bluish floor, praying that Amy-my beautiful wife-will be fine as well as our baby.
------------------------30 mins later----------------
"Ty" Lou says and she reaches over and hugs me.
"I guess you could say that they were more do operative" jack says.
"Ehy why'm I not surprised" I smile a small weak smile.
"Any news?" Lou asks. I shake my head.
"Nope, no ones came out of that room" I murmur.

Thanks for reading, keep reading and do comment, I need feedback.


Forever alone- a heartland fanfic~ilikehorsesandcakeWhere stories live. Discover now