9:Jacks plan

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A/N thx 4 da vote:-)

The next morning, 8:30 am

Ty's P.O.V

Jack carefully places the white envelope on the jetty boards and backs away, joining me behind the bush. All eight of us wait.
A big,bulky black ute pulls into the drive and stops in front of the jetty, Jack and I waiting.

"Where is she!" I say, Jack 'holding me back'.

The man mumbles something and another two men carry her unconscious body out.

They place her on the ground and step towards the envelope with the first man.

I rush to Amy and as supposed to, the police officers jump out pointing guns at the man.

"PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEADS AND GET ON THE GROUND" one says, emerging from under the jetty.

I gather Amy and lift her up, bridle style.

I lay her on an old mattress that Lou threw out the other day and left it by one of the dude ranch houses, quite unlike her, to be honest.


3rd person view-
The three men- mike, mark and Ian are arrested for kidnapping ,abuse and trespassing and are loaded into a heavy duty van while Ty and Jack Await the paramedics arrival, as Amy has still not woken.

Tim arrives with Lou, the girls asleep back at heartland with Lisa watching them.

Ty's P.O.V

"Hey, look who's awake" I smile as I say, looking over to the bed on which a very sleepy Amy sits up, yawning.

"Morning Ty" she says.
"Mornin',Ames how about a cup of tea then" I say, grabbing the two mugs (that I just finished making) from the counter and carrying them over to her.

She smiles up at me, moves over and pats the bed.

I hand her mug to her and I sit down, being careful not to spill the drink in the process.

"Man, what a Eventful couple'a days, right" she says, taking a sip of the warm tea, as do I.

"Yeah, I think we deserve a break for a while..wanna go for a
Ride soon?" I ask, turning to face my beautiful wife, her hair slightly messy.

"Sure,I'd love to!" She says, smiling the smile that makes my heart melt.

" ok, how about ten?" I say.
"Ok, I'll tack up Harley and Spartan and meet you... Outside the stable's" she says.

I agree and in a few minutes take the empty cups to the sink and begin the daily chores while Amy takes a shower.

Amy's P.O.V
"Hey Ty" I say giving him a passionate kiss and handing Harley's lead to him.

"Hey Ames" he replies, taking the lead.

-------[time skip-20 mins later]---
3rd person view.
"Ok, enough chit-chat, let's race" Amy laughs, changing the subject immediately.

Without notice Amy and Spartan burst into a gallop, Amy glances back to a surprised Ty, just breaking from a canter to a gallop.
"You know Ty, we should get our own place, don't you think?" I say after a few minutes of silence.
"Yeah, I think it would be great, Ames" Ty says, reaching over and holding my hand, steering Harley a little closer to Spartan.

I look over and smile at my husband,

'I'm so lucky to have Ty, what did I do to deserve him?' I think.

"Hey, we should have a holiday soon, then maybe when we get back, we could look for a house" I blurt out.

"Yeah, a holiday would be great, I'm sure Scott will give me some time off of the clinic" Ty says, still smiling.

*bring, bring*
I fumble for my phone.
'Sorry' I mouth to Ty, answering the call.

"Hey grandpa"
"No, I guess it's fine"
"Ok, yup"
"K. See ya soon"

I hang up.

"Uh, Ty...grandpa's got a new horse coming soon, he needs me to go back home, is it ok if we can turn back here?" I ask, with regret.

"Sure, and we're not done with that 'little chat' from earlier" Ty pauses, "we should continue with it now" he grins.

"I think we're pretty much done with that conversation, Ty" I say smiling and turning Spartan around, followed by Ty doing the same.

------------*back at heartland*------------
"I'll be there in a minute, I'm just gonna untack Spartan" I say to grandpa, who is just finishing filling hay.

He nods and I lead Spartan to the crossties and begin to untack him.
"Ok, sorry I'm late....about this horse?" I say, coming into the kitchen in the house.

"A ok, Linda met a girl...." He starts.
"She new a horse trainers daughter...her name is Kimberly" He says and I listen to the story.

*after the short story*
"Ok, so anyway...the trainer, her name is Mary mcardle, is bringing the horse, tornado, over at five....apparently the horse has troubles with commands, not doing what told when being ridden, and I thought you could help out...is that ok?" He asks and I smile.

"Of course, I'll go get a stall ready" I say getting up form the table's chair and heading out the door, grabbing my boots on the way.

I meet Ty on the way, he's walking fast towards his truck, looking at his phone.

"Hey Ty, in a hurry?" I chuckle.

"I,um-eh...Scott..he just called me....there's an emergency at the clinic, I'm Sorry Ames, I'll text you later" he says.

"Ok, bye Ty" I call, heading for the barn as Ty gets in his truck and speeds down the road.

---TY's P.O.V---
'I think she actually bought it!' I think to my self proudly, taking a turn and heading to Caleb's trailer.

"Hey Caleb, you there?" I call out, hopping down from my truck.

"Yup, I got your text, it's all sorted " he says, emerging from the trailer.

"Thanks man, catch you later" I say jumping back into my catch and heading to Maggie's.

Once hit 47 views I will update!
Thx again.


Forever alone- a heartland fanfic~ilikehorsesandcakeWhere stories live. Discover now