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Dear Father,

First of all, i know you love me but this is what i feel.

Second, you have been unfair to me for my whole life. You're Comparing me to my brothers and sister and you call me stupid. You always push me to be perfect but i'm not. We were born to be happy, not to be perfect.

Third, I personally hate you for 90% and you've hurt me Physically, Emotionally, and mentally.

Fourth, i know it's a sin for me to hate my parents, i'm a christian, even if you don't believe me, because i've done smut, Cursing, and hating. So sorry for all of that and i'm changing so pls understand. We've all done mistakes. No one is perfect.

Fifth, you always make me compete in any stuff that i don't like to do.

Sixth, you always treat me like i'm different and you always say i'm not your child.

Seventh, I Hate you and love you a bit but i hate you more.

That is all.

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