Dreams that i remember

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The first one is, I'm a driver working in a house. We're in a town where people are so private that the whole town is Silent. I'm working with two maids and a gardener. One day, I was walking up the stairs and opened the master bedroom, I saw my boss, his son and his wife. ((this part Might be disturbing)) I saw them with their intestines out. Then, I saw the maid and a gardener running upstairs. He opened the door and shouted "the maid!" I hid quickly, thinking of ridiculous thing but then the other maid walked in with her mouth full of blood. I was in the closet back then but she saw us. She quickly ate the maid and I have the chance to get out with the gardener. I ran in the window but then I realized it was locked. The maid saw us and tied us to the chair. I was frightened. Like I always do, in horror dreams like this, I tried to  fool her, that I need to get out and I will do everything she wants. Then I recommended something. She started eating my hands, and my bones was the only one left. She was dristracted at the moment and I just kicked her, I ran out quickly out and to my house where my mother is there and she reminded me it was only just a dream so I woke up.

The second one is, I was In a house, in a balcony with my real classmates and we are witches that makes candy. My need friend which is a girl, is singing K-pop while making her candy. I woke up and it turns out that my brother was listening to the same song next to me.

These are true dreams and oh yeah, sometimes I have deja Vu when I'm dreaming. While sleeping, I'm imagining a situation and when I woke up, it will happen. I have also a lot of nightmares. Would you like to hear more?

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