The Adventures of Horseback Racing

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Honestly, the prince is a beautiful, handsome, and all around dashing existence of a man. Hair as white as a sheet of snow, glistening in the wind. Dazzling scarlet eyes, burning with intensity like a volcano ready to erupt. Skin, softer to the touch than a newborn's and tinted with the blush of a newly budding rose.

Such beauty in such a man of high power... it is such a shame, truly, that he's so full of himself that their may as well be two of him.

Oh, and he's a dumbass. Seriously, you could meet a peasant in the slums with more common sense than the prince.

Not that he knows it, of course.

"Wouldn't you say I look simply stunning in the sunrise, Kaito?" the prince rides on horseback alongside another man, who looks older than he but not by much. "Look, how the rays of the sun make my skin shimmer?"

The other man rolls his eyes, tugging on the reigns of his own horse to stall it. He looks at his companion disdainfully. "Sir Ryu, I must have told you this hundreds of thousands of times," he places two fingers to the skin of the other man's forearm. "But if you don't cover up when we go outside, you will get burnt by the sun."

Tossing his white ponytail over his shoulder, Prince Hyun Ryu looks at Kaito with a smirk. "I don't burn in the sun, Kaito," he brags. "The sun loves me. God blessed me, after all."

Kaito rolls his eyes again, slapping the Prince's horse on the backside so it would move in sync with his. "These early morning rides are truly wearing me down, sir. What if the king and queen discover this?"

"Hah! As if they care a morsel about what I do," Hyun snorts, looking off into the distance. "You and I are both aware that my parents and I... are not on good terms. I don't even recall the last time we spoke a full sentence towards each other, aside from at dinner."

"At least they speak to you at all," Kaito attempts half-heartedly.

"I would prefer they don't acknowledge me at all than force themselves to converse with me, Kaito."

"...I suppose that is fair." Kaito sighs as Hyun turns back to him.

A few moments of sad silence ensue, and the two simply ride beside each other. The presence of them, side by side, is comforting and warm; like a home that didn't exist. They pause by a puddle, allowing the horses to drink from it.

"By the way, Kaito, you look quite manly with your hair let down like that," Hyun reaches over, touching the long, dark brown locks. "It frames your face well. Wear it like that from now on."

Kaito blinks, his blue eyes contrasting those of his master and his friend. "Sir Ryu, why are you always so kind to me?" he looks at his hands which still tightly grip the reigns. "I am... I am a lowly servant boy. You have no reason to be kind to me."

Hyun cocks his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "Since when does social status have anything to do with showing kindness to others?" he questions, genuinely confused.

Kaito sighs, making firm eye contact with the white haired man. "But you don't have to be my friend. I mean, nobody else in your family goes horseback riding with their servants at the crack of dawn." he explains.

Hyun blinks, taken aback by the sudden confusion Kaito displays. Then, he bursts out laughing, nearly doubling over and falling off his horse.

"What," Kaito asks. After a few moments of more laughing, Kaito gently shoves Hyun's shoulder, laughing a bit as well. "Seriously, sir Ryu, what has you laughing?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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