Chapter Two

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Erin groaned in pain as she slowly started to gain consciousness. Her vision was blurry when her eyes stared to open. She saw the axe she had found earlier, and she started to see it better from opening and closing her eyes multiple times.

"Ugh, oh my head. What happened?" she mumbled.

Slowly, Erin stood up while making a quiet grunt. She looked over at her axe, and took a sort step over to it. She reached her hand down to it then picked it up. She looked over at were she had regained consciousness. Her eyes enlarged with horror at seeing the Pentagram from earlier. Not only that, it was upside down. A symbol of the devil. She quickly crossed herself while mumbling a quiet prayer. Afterwards she gave a quiet sigh, and looked over at the door that had some wood planks on it.

"Well, there's only one thing to do: Press on. See if I can find a way out," she said.

Erin swong her axe, and cut wood planks. She nervously stretched out a hand to the door handle, and slowly pushed the door open. Then she stepped past the door, and into a short hallway. She walked forward until she got to the staircase at the end of the short hall. She flinched in surprise when two wood planks fell from the ceiling. A shaky breath came out of mouth. One she must have been holding in. Carefully she walked down the stairs, and stopped at the bottom. In front of her was a wall that had some words on it.

He will set us free

Erin's grip on her axe's handle tighted. She looked to her left to see a Banjo propped up against the wall. Reaching out a hand, and plucked a few of the strings on the instrument. A small smile came onto her face at the sound comingf rom the Banjo. At hearing the sound of the Banjo she was reminded her of the old crush she had here at the animation studio. But that was a long time ago, and she couldn't even remember what his face looked like. She turned to the right to see a small room with two coffins on the other side. She shivered slightly.

"Why in the world would there be coffins down here? And how did this place get so big?" she said.

Erin looked to her right to see a device that was like the one she saw upstairs. It was another tape player. She promptly pressed the play button, and her jaw dropped. It was the voice of Sammy Lawrence.

He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. I see you, my savior. I pray you hear me.

Those old songs, yes. I still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swpt into your final loving embraces.

But, love requires sacrifice.
Can I get an amen?

"I said: Can I get an amen?" a voice said, and Erin yelped in fear.

Erin quickly turned around as she swung her axe, but it didn't come in contact with anything. Her body was shaking in fear from having heard her old crush's voice again. Not only that, but someone asked for an amen after the tape stopped playing. A voice that sounded all to real to her. She took a few steps forward as her mind still processed what just happened. As she moved forward she went into a shot hallway. At the corner of the hallway was another upside down Pentagram with a cutout of Bendy in front of it. She payed no mind to it as she walked past it.

Erin stopped walking once she was standing at the beginning of a hallway filled with ink on the floor. Her mind was violently snapped out of it's thoughts when her body stepped into the ink that was actually quite cold. She shivered from the coldness, but looked behind her to see where she must come from. With a quiet sigh she walked forward, through the ink. Her white, and now ink stained, trench coat had started to get new ink splashes from walking throgh the ink. She looked up at a pipe to see that it was leaking ink.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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