A Quick Break for a Questionnaire

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I've been tagged for this lil' questionnaire by the wonderful Nighttime-words. I suggest you check out her profile and her story "Welcome to Baker Street". It's capitol!

Now, on to the questions:

Q: Harry Styles or Niall Horan?

A: I do not listen to One Direction myself, I prefer to stick with Dream Theatre, Rush, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, etc. Since I do not know much about the band itself, much less it's members, I cannot satisfactorily answer this question 😥.

Q: Beauty and the Beast or Cinderella?

A: Sadly I've not gotten the chance to watch either of the new live action movies of these two beautiful tales, but from my childhood memories of the animated versions, I remember loving Cinderella best. Specifically because of Bruno the dog and Jaq and Gus the mice.

Q: Recommendations for books on Wattpad?

A: Some of my favourites are:
No Vacancy at 221c by Wholockian221c
Patchwork by LyricHeart
Chemistry by DeuxDonzelles
and of course- Welcome to Baker Street by the above mentioned Nighttime-words
(Pssst: Since you're reading this, you're probably also reading this story, Organised Chaos. Thanks!!)

Q: Best author on Wattpad?

A: Everyone mentioned above! And jandralee.... Thanks girl for liking my art on Instagram 😊

Q: Nutella or Honey?

A: Definitely Nutella. Honey has never been my thing.

Q: Water or Milk?

A: I like milk to drink straight and in my tea. Water, on the other hand, is essential to life (especially because of a condition I have that calls for three times an average person's water intake)... So I prefer milk but I need water.

Q: Milk chocolate or White chocolate?

A: From best to worst (though I love them all): Milk, Dark, White.

Q: Grammar School or Secondary School?

A: Well... I was homeschooled and my grades were not counted up like in a regular school system. I'm graduated now anyway, so it probably doesn't make a difference.

Q: Author or Reader?

A: Budding author, professional bookworm.

Q: Cats or dogs?

A: Dogs, definitely. I've nothing against cats but they do not like me. Plus, we've always had dogs growing up.


Anyone mentioned above, but specifically:

Please answer the above questions and nominate your favourite profiles! Cheers!

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