2. Street Fighting Men

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Chapter Two

Street Fighting Men

"And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,

That I shall never look upon thee more,

Never have relish in the faery power

Of unreflecting love - then on the shore

Of the wide world I stand alone, and think

'Til love and fame to nothingness do sink."

- John Keats, 'When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be'.


"Can you say the right amount of 'alright's in Hey Ya without the music?" Dylan said, while he chomped on salt n' vinegar chips.

Mel slapped him lightly, causing him to drop his bag. "Can you talk when you've finished eating, mate?"

Dylan closed his eyes and faked sniffling for a second as he bent to pick up his chips. "Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright!" he nagged.

"Was that the right amount?" I giggled, taking the wrapper off my sandwich.

"I dunno. Do it again and I'll count," Mel grinned.

"Piss off. I'll get tongue-tied," Dylan said and pushed Mel off the seat.

They began tackling, which they had a tendency to do. Mel was much rougher than Dylan, for some reason - she scraped his back with her blue fake nails, and bit onto his arm, and he would only lightly swat at her face or punch her stomach.

This carried on for a minute. I leaned back against my seat and drawled, "Come on, guys. Everyone already suspects something between you two but like, this is gonna confirm it."

"Huh? What now?" Dylan sat up, his hair literally looking like he'd been in an orgy. I laughed into my sandwich.

"She's implying we were..." Mel held her arms out and humped the air. She sat back down, shaking her head.

Dylan was still on the ground, a smirk twisting onto his face, only to have it wiped off completely as Mel whacked him, sending him sprawling back.

"Guys!" I cupped my hands around my mouth, shaking from laughter, and then I saw him.

Rex walked across the school like he was heading straight to his worst enemy to kill them. Of course, he wasn't actually - I knew someone would find him and accompany him for lunch, someone like Harry, Preston or Jimi. They were all potheads, who probably only stuck to Rex because being on his good side meant not getting hit.

"Bad boy alert," Dylan whispered, sitting up once again.

"He'd break your spine if he knew that's what you thought of him," Mel said, amused.

"That's why I'm whispering..." Dylan said, his head sinking below the seat.

"I think he saved me at the disco last night," I said quietly. "Because you guys didn't show up. Why was that?" I'd asked earlier, but due to being in different classes, neither had time to answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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