Chapter 1

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They say pain is only temporary. They say that the body can never be able to harness forces past the three dimensions visible and sensible enough for the very senses. In my case, I hope it is very true because things are things are not looking up for me.

When one asked me how I thought I would die or how I would like to, I thought of something truly heroic, such as being scorched by the forces of evil and rising against every torment imaginable against perilous foes to exact my revenge upon those who endanger my family. Never did I think that it would be nice to be locked in an iron prison that was hanging on the edge of the cliff.

I would say that I was about to be a corpse, except I already feel like one.

Head ringing, I shake off my daze and look around the space I happen to occupy. Dark and concealed, it is very difficult to make out any discernible shapes. A computer monitor flashes in one of the corners, giving off the only light besides a very tiny window. The majority of the space seems to be made of metal, given that there is a creak echoing with an energetic frequency. The air is very cold, chills running along my body and a cold sweat building upon my brow. I make out some damage throughout the space, objects bent and smashed from some form of trauma. I look through the window again, and see the vast fall I could take if I do not escape this prison.

The ship, pod, whatever I am in seems to have crashed. I try to move but harnesses strain against my chest, keeping me from falling towards the window. I seem to be strapped in a chair, oddly made from leather. The armrests seem to be made of a very bright metal, reflecting both the blue light from the monitor and the dim light from the window. I focus again on the window, realizing that the glass is somehow still intact. That tells me that it would be very difficult to break, but a body could probably finish off what the crash started. I am literally hanging by a thread for my life.

The ship lurches forward and slides, but does not fall over the cliff. I need to get out of here right now.

My head ringing and blood making its way down the back of my head, I focus on my immediate surroundings. There's a pole just behind me and to my right, hanging conveniently from a series of other poles. I follow the poles towards what would have been an escape hatch, but the pod was turned over, so it just led towards the end that was hanging over the cliff. Well, more so than I was. I looked to my left and sight a pair of steps, leading towards another room with zero visible light coming from it.

"How are you going to get yourself out of this, Mac?" I said to myself, my throat dry and my voice rather raspy. I cough to try to clear out my throat, but it leads to nothing. "Get yourself further into danger or take a risk and explore the unknown?"

I grab the harnesses and feel the design, trying to figure out how it unlocks. After a minute, I slide the black cloth through the metallic loop, and I feel gravity pull me down. I reach up and grab the seat, hanging on the headrest.

"Man, I wish I had more muscles," I whisper.

I pull myself up hard, using every bit of strength I had not to let go. Finally, I wrap my arm around the headrest. Eying the broken rung, I slowly start swinging my body back and forth. As I make the last swing, I let my arm let go and grab the headrest with my hand. I grab the rung with my other hand and pull hard, letting go of the seat. The pole breaks off and clatters down, but not before I grab hold of one of the other rungs for balance. I plant my feet against the wall and stop to survey the area.

I take a deep breath and whisper, "At least I have my lucky jacket."

It was not until now that I realize that I had my jacket with me. Made of a dark brown leather, it's ratty and definitely shows its age. However, it goes well with nearly every shirt I wear, including the black shirt I have on. I keep it because it was my grandfather's, and because I seem to have an incredible lucky streak when I have it. Probably explains why I made the jump.

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