Chapter 12

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Wearing all black was a big mistake in the jungle.

The heat bearing down, the only shade being the canopy above, add the fact that I could not go fast just because someone was with me, and it was unbearable. I wish I had never seen that damn fire. My curiosity got the best of me.

Oh, and don't forget the attacks, Jerry.

Around every corner, there seemed to be a different kind of creature, most of them hostile. First, a pack of raptors ambushed us almost as soon as left The Beast. After getting bit several times, I rotted enough of them and Robert teleported enough of them in the trees to get them to piss off. After a few more miles, we got attacked again, except it was by this giant alligator with a huge fin on its back. I almost got eaten by it, if Robert had not teleported on its head and jammed sticks in its eyes. We kept going, following the river but keeping an eye out for more animals. We did see a few others, but they did not pay us any attention.

It was starting to get dark when Robert said, "Look."

I saw what he was looking at. All around us, trees were burnt to the bases. Ash and soot was everywhere, leaves crumbling at our step. Everything looked like an abandoned forest from the movies. I half expected rotting skeletons and crows eating dead eyeballs. Maybe even a headless horseman.

Then, a wave of water rushed through the trees, heading right towards us. Something grabbed my shirt and the world went black for a second. Shadows of objects whizzed past me, then suddenly I was dropped on the ground. I rolled over my back and watched the wave roar by like a fist crashing into the ribs of a man.

Then, vertigo overtook me and I leaned to my left, hurling my fried meat from earlier. After I finished, I turned to Robert and said, "Is that what it's always like for you?"

He shrugged. "First couple of times were rough, but now I'm kind of used to it."

I shuddered uncontrollably. "Never do that to me again."

I got to my feet and brushed myself off. Then I said, "Let's see what that water was doing. Because that was just weird."

We kept walking through the dead jungle, heading towards where the water came from. Fire trickled here and there, little licks trying to fight to stay alive. I saw a tiny lizard stroll by, its eyes red like blood. Nothing else ever showed its face.

The creatures abandoned this place. Like you did to your family.

Hey, I didn't ask to be dropped off here. If I did, I would have brought some chicks with me.

Light broke through the jungle in front of us, a wall of shrubs still barely holding onto their green properties. We crouched and looked through it.

I saw a girl standing in the river, turned around to talk to another girl on the banks. Two more people stood higher up on a hill, a girl and a guy deep in conversation. That makes four people, probably with powers like me and Robert.

Robert gasped next to me. "Is that Elizabeth?"

I strained my eyes and saw that it was her that was standing in the water, her legs morphed into the river. I looked up and saw that Sam was the girl on the shore, her aviator jacket tight against her body. I think Jupe and Izzy were on the hill, but I could not be sure due to the distance.

"Yeah that is her. And Sam and Izzy! Even fucking Jupe!"

I leapt up and ran through the shrubs, exposed to their sight. I yelled, "Welcome to the party, bitches!"

Liz jumped and looked at me, mild annoyance on her face. Sam saw me and gave me a decent grin, her reserve keeping the excitement down. Jupe saw me and took off, running at full speed through the river. He got to me quicker than when his mom yelled for dinner and squeezed the hell out of me. It took all it had in me to remember not to suck the life out of him. It was tempting to.

After my ribs started catching on fire, he put me down and moved onto Robert, who only got a tight hug instead. I looked over to where Izzy was and she was climbing the hill. Maybe she was going to get anyone else that happened to be here.

I turned around to the small circle around me. The five of us began catching up, asking each other how we have been and what was it like to wake up in our glass chamber. I shuddered when I thought about how cold I was when I woke up and how I was utterly alone. Then I shook it off. I got my friends with me, including two hot chicks. I was in paradise.

"Watch this." Jupe said as he punched in the ground, his fist breaking through the soil. His arm came back up entirely covered in rocks, sticking onto his skin like tape.

"That's nothing." Robert disappeared and reappeared behind him, tapped his shoulder, then disappeared again. He reappeared on the other side of the river, waving at us.

"Holy..." Jupe trailed off, obviously impressed. Liz poked his side and took his hand, as if she saw the weirdness every day. All of us had powers, so I guess she was already used to it. Which is good, considering I was still surprised by it all.

I saw Izzy walking down the hill with two guys behind her. They crossed the river and that was when I recognized Mac. The other kid, I never seen him before.

Mac looked like he always did. His leather jacket making him look muscular, his brown hair a mess, his face covered in a mild stubble, his eyes watching to see if I was real or not. Something about him made everyone I know feel uncomfortable, and I was no exception. Still, he tried to be cool, so I could respect that.

Izzy gave me a hug then looked around at everyone. "Is this everybody?"

The other guy said, "Yeah. The file said at least seven subjects. There's eight of us here."

She rolled her eyes. "Troll, I learned how to count in preschool."

He shrugged. "You're the one who asked."

Elizabeth interjected herself. "Guys, as much as I would love to see you two argue, it's going to get dark in a few hours."

Robert looked at his watch. "Yeah, we have about four hours."

I clapped his shoulder. "And we found a kicking place to make camp. Robert can vouch how awesome the cave is."

He nodded. Mac asked, "Is there water near it?"

I laughed. "Of course! There's a lake not too far from it, with fish and everything."

Jupe said, "Hell yeah! Lead the way!"

Robert groaned. "More walking? We just got here."

I squeezed his shoulder. "Like Liz just said, it's getting dark. Let's move!"

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