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Hi my name is sky and I'm 17 and I made a deal with the devil.
Hi I'm Jaxon and I'm the devil and I made a deal with a princess.

Jaxon : I'm not normal I'm the devil at least that's what people say anyway I'm the leader of one of the most feared gangs around Britain and I'm not to be messed with. I don't like people except my mates, I got disowned by my parents at the age of 15 for wanting to be a gang leader but I don't care I'm doing fine in my own and they where holding me back anyway this is where I'm supposed to be and nothings going to stop and distract me... well until an sexy encounter.

Sky: I've left school last year and now in collage for law. Sadly I'm on my own parents died from a car accident and I too work 2 jobs just so then I can live in a decent house and have quite a bit of money left for shopping and other things. I'm saving up so then I can pay to go to university. I'm shy but I'm bubbly when you get to know me .

A deal with the devil Where stories live. Discover now