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"Are you tired?

Tired of listening to the world tell you you're wrong?

Tired of hoping for things to happen when they already seem tardy?

Tired of not being "good" enough?

Even when you are good enough, when you're even more than that, when you hold so much potential you're blind to it?

When you aren't wrong, but you may not be right, when you're learning, when you can't be told you're wrong without having a lawyer whose held on to you just for the sheer fact that you have overflowing evidence of being  neither?

When those things that are tardy to you may have just been waiting for the perfect moment to come around, waiting just a perfect amount of time so that you are prepared and built up for its appearance?

Are you tired of all that?

If so, you have an absolute right to, because everyone has been trying to disguise these things and make them look and feel terrible, but my dear, just be patient, your troubles will give you a break sooner or later, and then you won't  feel tired, but awake, to a new found freedom in your presence."

When You Need Me (A Collection Of Hopeful Passages)Where stories live. Discover now