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"Let's be serious here, our society in not the best, far from it actually.

Whether you have realized this through it spitting right in your face or from hearing others talk about, I can't be sure.

But if anything about society is bringing you down, whether it's bullies, the actions of those around you, or the ridiculous "standards" and punishments we're met with for not supposedly"meeting" them, know you're not alone.

The thing about this society is, there's so many people in it, that it's impossible to be the only one suffering.

If you're hurting because you don't feel good enough, read these words carefully and take them to heart,

    "You are more than good enough."

If you're hurting because some idiot feels the need to call you names and push you around, know that, a good heart takes you farther in life, so they're really only hurting themselves at this point. I don't advise you go out there and tell them that, for I don't know if they're strong enough to kill you physically, though, words are easily daggers if used right. 

I don't advise violence.

If the actions of others are bringing you down, know that you will naturally be driven away from them and dislike them each time, so they can basically be called a stinky skunk, and you have a total right to think of them as skunks and call them skunks, if they continue their behavior.

Though, if their behavior is physically harming you, seek help, do not let them harm you at unnecessary times, or at all. That, is called abuse. Never let such abuse go on for far to long, or at all.

We went a bit off track, but the moral of the story here, is our society sucks, and if it's getting you down, you aren't alone. There's plenty other ways to deal with these things, I'm sure plenty of other more professional and reasonable ways, which you can seek out. Trusted adults, such as teachers give advice, and so does Google. "

Will read over and edit later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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