I am his Chashmish

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            Hi guys.....I'm bit nervous as its my first os or ts....I never given a try.....first time.....Okay.....ufff....cutie forgive me if its not nice.....I'm gonna start....note....its not a preplanned one.....just a scenario which comes to my mind......

             It's early morning......bright sun is slowly rising......our heroine's sleep is disturbed due to the sun rays.....she slowly opens her eye....and sees something....a smile crept on her face....

Why ??????

cutie any guess??

               Her face glows....not because of make up!.....but because of the smile....her eyes were so attractive.....she was beautiful....she was so mesmerising that anyone will fall for her....but she fell for him....but what made her to smile???....

       okay from here.....highly imaginary......Abhigya fans I'm really sorry....even I'm an Abhigya fan....I'm sorry Kanchi......Azai and Ivar forgive me pleaaaase.....
And Shabbir....I'm realllly

Disclaimer :  Its highly imaginary....

Girls pov.....

               You want to know about me????....then come on.....let's rewind little....

              Hi I am Karthiga....loved to be called chashmish....but don't dare to call me like that because that right is reserved for him....I am 23 years old.....chirpy....non stop chatter box.....love to make friends....A normal upper middle class family....Doing final year in my MBA.....notorious girl.....Like all girls I too dream about my Prince charming.....He will come in a chariot and take me to his castle and lead a happy life....no not at all.....My prince will be entirely different......he will come in his bike and impress me and will go for a long drive....in that drive we'll face lots of hurdles and impediments....but still we'll over come those with our hands and souls intertwined.....Well if you think that its just a bike
ride....then your absolutely wrong.....I'm talking about the life......I said na I'm chirpy and chatter....so tolerate me.....one more thing....I even know whose my Prince charm too.....daily I'll dream about him....The only man for whom I belong to.....well you want to know ?.....

         Its......Abhi the Rockstar....

          Excuse me....stop your chuckles and laughter.....He doesn't even know who I am....but still I have strong hope...you know his physic....abs....worth drooling.....but only me....we are in same state.....same district and in same area.....just a two streets away....I daily go there and stand there in the crowd....just to take a look at him....everyday of mine starts with him......The days which I couldn't see him is the toughest days....I'm continuing this for two years.....in that street.....all are my friends.....starting from Abhi's watchman to meera di's baby.....she is the new arrival to the street.... 2 weeks old baby....butttt......Abhi doesn't know me....see how the fate is playing with me....the one who for whom I crave doesn't know me.....but for that and all I couldn't give up.....

            Days passed.....I never stopped my drooling.....if you see my room...you'll understand how madly I love him.....note it.....I didn't say that I like him....I'm saying that I love him....not just a word.....I love him...whole heartedly.....my room is filled with his photos and the cd of his songs.....Every day my morning starts with him and ends with him.....He was becoming so popular......I was happy as I was his well wisher na....

            But after a month....to my dismay....his three concerts back to back were utter flop....I couldn't tolerate the bashings which he got.....I locked myself in the room.....my parents were worried about me....they were such a lovely darlings.....They never went against my wish.....I was so sad that I made them worried....but when I think about my Abhi....my tears are  uncontrollable.......my eyes became puffy and red....next day I went to his mansion and I was waiting for him.....not even a single man was there.....myself and watchman only were standing there.....I waited for him nearly three hours there.....I shouted that I love him....but there was no response....I whispered the same thing....I understood that there was no use standing here.....because he wasn't ready to turn up....I know it will be hard for him to overcome the failure.....it was his very first flop....so people easily left him as such.....

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