Letter From Dean: Don't Give Up. Keep Fighting.

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Hey, kiddo.

I heard that you're hitting a bit of a rough time right now, but don't give up. It may be hard, and a freaking crazy fight, but don't you dare think about checking out. I know those jerks are trying hard as they can to beat you down right now, and your demons are getting harder to fight, but I want to tell you something. You're a Winchester. You're family, and no matter what those asshats are telling you, you're not weak, and you're not useless either. You're a fighter, a hunter, a warrior.I need you to understand that. All these problems aren't your fault, got it? You didn't ask for it. Sam and I are here for you. There are other other hunters who will help you too. Find them. They've got your back, do don't be afraid to reach out 'kay?

I'll see you soon kiddo.

-Dean W.

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