Chapter 1: The Call

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Opening my eyes as the alarm clock on the nightstand goes off again, reaching over and smacking the off button, I glance at the time, 9:30 AM. it flashes in bright red letters, Sitting up and groaning, I reach over and grab my shorts off the floor and look at the girl laying in bed beside me, under the covers with nothing on. Looking around and scanning the room I notice all the bottles of alcohol strown throughout the room, "Fucking hell, I got another damn whore last night," I say shaking my head, getting out of bed and going into the bathroom I cut the shower on, letting the water have time to heat up, walking over to the sink and cutting it on I splash water on my face, looking at myself in mirror I let my eyes roam over the 6"2' man in the mirror, the stubble growing along my chin, suggesting I haven't shaved in a few months. Sighing I turned and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water flow over and down my body. Grabbing the shampoo, rubbing it into my hair and stepping into the water, washing out the shampoo, after washing my body and cutting off the water I grab my towel off the rack, stepping out of the shower and drying my hair, I hear the door to the hotel room close. "Guess she didn't want to wait around" I think walking over to the sink and grabbing my razor. After shaving my face, stepping out of that bathroom felt like the greatest moment of my life, walking over to my dresser and pulling on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I start cleaning up the apartment throwing all the bottles and food wrappers into the trash chute. Doing a quick scan of the room and deciding it was reasonably clean, I turned, walking out of my apartment and locking the door behind me. Turning and walking down to the elevator at the end of the hall, hitting the down arrow I stood there and waited for the doors to open,  stepping through the doors as they slid open I turn and hit the button for the lobby, as the doors slide shut and the elevator starts going down, my phone goes off, pulling it out of my back pocket, looking at the caller ID, pressing accept and putting the phone to my ear. "Al, I need you to come to the office, we need to have a talk about what happened with your last job." said the voice belonging to my boss Jack. "Yeah sure boss, I'll come in after I stop by a couple places. That ok?" I asked him, as I stepped off the elevator, waving to the girl at the front desk. "Yeah take your time just don't be too long." Jack said hanging up. Putting the phone back in my pocket as I step through the lobby door, taking a right I walk down the street a couple blocks to my favorite bar, The Addiction, ran by a succubus named Ceri, who also happens to be one of the most beautiful women I had ever met, as I step through the door of Ceris bar, I catch sight of her behind the counter mixing drinks for the drooling men staring at her with looks on their face's telling anyone who bothered to look exactly what they were thinking, smiling I walk over to the bar and take a seat until she notices me, while waiting for her to notice me I turn around in my seat and scan over the crowd in the bar, "Hey Al, funny seeing you here." Ceri says from behind me, turning back around I can't help but notice that as usual she's wearing a T-shirt that ends just below her breasts showing off her sparkling diamond belly piercing, and a pair of jeans with the knees ripped out. "Hey Ceri, yeah I stopped by for your special hangover cure," I say smiling at her and leaning over the bar to kiss her cheek, "And to see my favorite succubus."  being partially demon means that I can see through a succubus's illusion to see what they actually look like, and not what they want you thinking they look like. "Al, you know you are always welcome here." she says winking at me and setting a shot of her signature drink in front of me. As she sets the shot on the counter there's a loud crash as the door to her bar is blown inwards as a guy comes flying through and smashes into the counter beside me. Turning around and looking towards the entrance, I watch as a girl in a leather jacket and pure black combat boots, with long raven black hair flowing down past her shoulders that offsets her pale skin tone, steps through the shattered remains of the door. "Shit sorry Ceri, I didn't mean to break another door." the girl says Looking from the door frame to Ceri, "It's ok Ivy," Ceri calls to the girl as she walks across the bar and grabs the guys foot, dragging him into the bars storage room. "Ceri, who the hell was that?" I ask turning to look at the storage room door. "Who? Ivy. She's a friend of mine." leaning down to whisper in my ear, "She's also a vampire." Ceri is the only person in the city who knows about my being a Fallen Demon. And that's only because she is the one who gave me the key to the apartment I am currently living in, "Really? I thought they didn't come out during the day?" I said, turning around in my seat and looking at her. "They don't, but she is different because she was born a fallen angel but got bitten by a vampire and instead of dieing she turned into a half breed. All the strengths of both halfs, none of the weaknesses, except the stake to the heart thing." Ceri said smiling at me. "Why don't you take this to her and introduce yourself," she said placing a bottle of vodka on the counter between us. "Maybe if you go talk to her you can find out a little more about yourself," Ceri said as I grabbed the bottle of vodka and got up, walking to the backroom, as I push the door open I can't help but flinch as the sound of a man losing his pride fills the storage room, walking around the corner I stop and look at the scene before my eyes. Ivy has the dude chained to the wall in his underwear,which appear to have been stained by more than just tears, holding a stake right over his heart. "Holy shit Ivy, what the hell did the guy do?" I ask as I walk over and stand beside her. Turning to look at me she smiles, "You must be Al, Ceri said you were tall, but damn." Ivy says wiping the blood off of her hands and bending over to pick a bloody sword off the ground, standing up straight again. "Uhh...yeah I'm Al, again, what the hell did the guy do?" I ask motioning to the guy chained to wall. "Oh, who him? He's with a gang that's been trying to torch Ceris bar. I keep the bar from being set on fire, Ceri keeps me fed. It's a win win situation honestly," she says smiling at me. "H...hey pal," the dude chained to the wall says, "pal gotta get her away from me, she's a fucking psycho." the guy says, looking at me with pleading eyes, walking up to him and grabbing his collar, as I lean in close my eyes turn blood red. Looking into my eyes, he screams. "Get the hell away from me you fucking monster, give me back to the vampire bitch!" he screams. "Mr. that's not a nice thing to say about a lady." I tell him as I fling him back against the wall. "I must agree with you" I say turning and smiling at Ivy, "He deserves to be punished, have fun with him, and call me if you need anything." I say handing her a card with my name and number. "Have a nice day Ivy, it's been a pleasure to meet you." "Nice meeting you too Al!" she shouts as I walk through the door, closing it behind me. Walking back to the front of the bar,  waving to Ceri as I walk through the broken door and out onto the street, "Time to see what Jack wants." I say to myself as I start walking towards the office.

The Fallen Book 1: Fallen DemonWhere stories live. Discover now