Chapter 8: Apex Squad

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"Thanks for getting here so fast guys" i say looking at my friends, Rachel, with her long blood red hair that falls to just below her waist, wearing jeans, a black tank top, and a leather jacket. Jinx, the big guy with short black hair in the T-shirt and jeans and combat boots, and my new Fallen Vampire friend Ivy with her pale skin, short black hair that falls to her shoulders, leather biker jacket and black jeans and katana strapped to her back, all leaning against my car. "Al, why'd you call us in?" Jinx asks looking up at me waiting for an answer. "I assume you all saw the big Fucker surrounded by shadows at the front gate? That's why i called you in, he has the Frosts little girl" i say knowing that a innocent child in trouble would get their attention. "What are we waiting for then" Rachel says as magical armour forms along her body, "i agree with the witch" Jinx says, dropping his glamour and revealing his wings. "I never thought i would agree with a pixie and a witch but today is the day" Ivy says, winking at me. "Come on Al, they already told me about the blood running through your veins. I have to say i'm glad to be fighting beside other Fallen, especially a Fallen Demon" Ivy says smiling at me as i cock my rifle, loading a round into the chamber, "I'm glad to be fighting alongside other Fallen as well" i say walking towards the front gate as rachel opens a portal. as we step through the portal we come out standing behind the big shadowy fucker. "Hey asshole!" i shout at the guy as he turns to look at me i pull the trigger sending a straight through his chest, as the bullet passes through the shadows, it explodes, causing the shadows enveloping the figure to vanish. "Very funny human, i don't think you are powerful enough to be the one i'm after" the figure says, waving its hand towards us, a wave of pure black shadow flows from the figures hand. as the wave nears us, my eyes flash red and a wave of white and red light forms around us, as the wave of shadow hits my shield it dissipates, causing the figure to turn and regard us all again. "Ahh so the one i'm here for is one of you? Very than, let us see which of you it is" the figure says as it reaches its hand towards us again, as it does a katana glowing with white light streaks through with red the color of blood slices the hand off causing the figure to step back with a growl as ivy lands in front of me gracefully as the light emanating from her katana dies out. "Nice shot" i tell her, turning back to me she gives me a slight smirk. "What next?" she asks stepping back until she is standing beside the rest of us. "Kyle, guys any idea who this guy is yet?" i ask keying open my comlink. "Al that's the vampire harbinger, unlight hs not affect on the thing, it can only be killed by decapitation" Kyles voices says from the comlink in my ear. Reaching up and turning the comlink off, i look at my friends, "aim for the head, cut the head off it..." i'm cut off by the sound of a girl screaming, looking back to the harbinger i see maranda being flung through the air. "Jinx, Grab the girl" i shout to him pointing at Maranda, as i do a portal opens in front of maranda and she flies through it and into Rachel's arms."Al, iv got the girl, you guys focus on the bastard" she shouts as another portal opens behind her and she leads the girl through it.

"Right, you heard her, focus on cutting that bastard's head off" i shout to Ivy and Jinx as my rifle turns into a Scythe in my hand, nodding at me the others run to either side of the harbinger and take up defensive positions, "what you're about to see isn't gonna be pretty, and if you want to turn me into the council after this is over i won't stop you" i say keying open the comlink, "Al, what are you talking about?" kate's voice asks "you'll see" i say cutting the connection as i release the lock on my demonic half, as my demonic energy flows through me my body turns bigger, and darker, as a wing of pure white, and a wing of pure black appear behind me, standing up straight i watch as Jinx's face relaxes, then a burst of white and rainbow lights envelops him and when the light fades in Jinx's place stands a figure with a wing of rainbow colored feathers and a wing of white feathers. Turning to look at me Jinx nods and i nod back turning to Ivy who is staring at us in shock, as i watch a portal opens behind her and Rachel steps out, grabbing Ivy's hand and pulling her through the portal.  Looking back to jinx, we nod and look at the harbinger, holding my hand out to the side as a scythe of pure black metal forms in my hand, looking back at the harbinger i can't help but smile as a look of pure horror falls across his face, "what but how? You two should not be able to be within a few miles of each other without wanting to murder each other, how the hell are you fighting together?" the harbinger says with a growl as a sword of shadow forms in his hand. Together, as if our bodies are linked to each other, Jinx and i charge the harbinger. Swinging my scythe as the harbinger blocks with his sword before flipping over my head and kicking me into Jinx, as i fly towards Jinx he catches me and swings me around throwing me into the air, as i fly upwards, my wings spread and i float there, looking down at the harbinger from above, smiling i close my eyes and gather energy inside of me, building it up until i feel as if i'm about to explode, Forcing the energy to flow into my scythe, as the power flows into the scythe, the metal takes on a hint of a purple tint and i smile turning the scythe into a spear. Looking down at the harbinger i aim the head of the spear for the harbingers head and, using my magic, rocket towards the harbinger. The harbinger raises his sword in an effort to block my attack, smiling my spear hits his sword causing it to shatter as i  impale his head on the end of it and continue forwards using my wings to take both the harbinger and myself up into the sky before coming down and smashing the harbinger into the earth, throwing my weapon to the side, it begins to fade away, reaching down and placing my hand on the harbingers chest i smile, leaning in close to his ear, "This is for that little girl you tried to kill, and it's Jimmy" i say as i release the lock on my demonic side and allow it to eat the harbingers essence, as the harbingers life force flows into me his body begins to turn to ash that is blown away by wind until there's nothing left of the harbinger. Turning to Jinx, we nod to each other as our wings begin to wither and fall away, until we are both back to our normal selfs, "Maddie? Kyle? Are you there?" i ask reaching up and keying open the comlink. When i don't get a responce i turn towards the gate and see them both approaching me with followed by the rest of the security team. As the approach a portal opens behind me and Rachel and Ivy step through standing beside me. "Algaliarept, You're a demon...why...Why didn't you say anything?" Maddie says standing in front of me as the two guards from earlier approach with handcuffs. Looking at Jinx and the others i raise my hand as they go to step forward, "stop, i told her i would go without a fight" i say stepping forward and holding my hands out in front of me as the two guards put the handcuffs on my wrists, "Al, if you do this, you know what they will do to you" Jinx said looking at me with pleading eyes. "yeah jinx i know, but you know what. They are right to be scared, after all we are the ones who keep the real dangerous shit from getting out of their prisons" i say sighing, "Stop. release them all, i think we may be safer with them working with us than working in secret hiding from us" kate said, looking up at me. "Al, i would like to hire you, all of you, full time as members of my security team." she said holding her hand out to me. Looking at the others they all nod to me. "It will make our jobs easier" Racheal says, "yeah and maybe we can even get a training field where we can finish teaching Rachel and Ivy how to actually use their Fallen blood" Jinx says nodding. Looking at Madison, i smile and take her hand in mine, "Madison Frost, The Fallen are happy to work alongside your team, after i do this" i say turning around and slamming my fist into the two guards jaws again, "you dicks need to learn how to properly handcuff someone, you fucking lock the cuffs too tight" smiling as the two get to their feet and take their helmets off glaring at the back of my head, "be happy, he could have hit you hard enough to kill you" i hear Jinx tell them, as Maddie slides her arm through mine and we all walk back to the tower

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