Chapter 6: Frost Towers Bomb

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As my body slides down the wall to the floor, I slowly get to my feet. looking towards the door I am greeted by a head sized fist flying toward me, dodging to the side I turn to look at who the hand belongs to. "Shit, that's not good..." I say to myself as I watch an orc turn and charge me, grabbing my remaining rifle I bring it around and aim dead center of the thing's skull and emptied the entire forty-six round clip into its head. As the bullets hit it, the thing doesn't so much as flinch but instead smashes its shoulder into my stomach sending me flying into the wall again, "Alright, now I'm bloody pissed." I say, closing my eyes as my vision turns red, the only sign of me releasing the lock I have on my demonic side, See demons are able to absorb other creature's life force, hence why they live so long, and me being partially demon allows me to do the same, glaring at the orc as it charges me again, stepping to the side and under the orcs guard, i smash my palm into it's chest, causing its life force to begin flowing into me, as the orc's eyes widen in fear at the realization of what i'm doing it tries to pry my hand off its chest, the flow of its life force into me causing it to stick to me, looking the orc in the eyes, i force my demonic half back into submission and lock it away again, causing the orc to fall to its knees. Smiling to myself as i key open the comlink. "Kyle i'm at the bomb, it appears to be....oh no" i say as i look at the registered number on the bombs shell, "what is it Al?" Kyle asks, "'s a Frost industries bomb" i tell him."What?, ok, that doesn't matter, what are the numbers on the shell?" Kyle says, sounding less than pleased. "Five- Foxtrot-Alpha-Charlie-Sierra- one-three- seven" i say, reading off the numbers etched into the shell. "Ok, the bomb tech says remove the shell case, find the wires and clip all of the black wires" Kyle says. "All the black wires..." i'm cut off by a consistent beeping from the bomb, looking at the detonator, "Shit there's no time, Kyle open every single emergency door along the quickest route out side" i say picking up the bomb and running out of the reactor room with it down the hall as the bulkheads in front of me slide away, running outside winding up i throw the bomb as far away from the tower as i can, using my magic to send the bomb even farther and higher, as it explodes harmlessly in the air about a mile from the tower, "phew, ok. Bombs dealt with" i say into the comlink as i walk back into the building. "Al? You're still alive? Good, come on back up stairs, time to meet the rest of the security staff" Kyle says as i step into the elevator, "Good." i say before reaching up and clicking off the comlink. Looking out the window of the elevator i can't help but smile. "Not even a day on the job and i've already had to deal with a group of mercenaries. This is gonna be one hell of a job" i say to myself as the elevator doors open.

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