I Hate Demons

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AN: Okay welcome to chapter 13, as always thanks for reading this story, I'm glad people are enjoying it. Before I start this chapter, I tried to write them traveling back to Bobby's, but I didn't like it, so it starts with them getting there after her gig.

I could not wait to get off that stupid motorcycle. As much as I loved Lia, I hated that damn motorcycle.

She laughs, and runs fingers through her hair. "You know motorcycles aren't that bad."

I smile. "Only if I'm riding with you." I help her off, and put an arm around her waist. Walking to the door I notice how quiet it is, and opening the door I see more things wrong with the place.

"Hello?" I call out, and walk through the house.

All of a sudden Bobby is there and drags us down to the safe room.

"What the hell? Why are we down here?" I ask, looking around and seeing Sam and Jeff, for some sort of explanation.

Jeff walks up to Lia. "Your father, Aegean showed up, Iowa was a trap, he said that he needed to take something from you, and that the next time we saw you, you would be different."

Lia's eyes widen with fear, she instantly grabs at her neck, the fear grows deeper. "My amulet." is all she can say, before she faints.

I catch her easily, and with Jeff's helps, I lay her down on the couch.

"Well this is crap. If she doesn't have that amulet, what could happen?"

Jeff looks at me with hollowed eyes. "Last time, she blew up a motel, killed lots of people, if Aegean gets close enough to her with the amulet, he can release Behlalonia,  and she will be taken over."

I run a hand through my hair, I definitely did not want that to happen, I sit on the couch near her feet.

"Dean, don't worry about it, we are safe down here, she is safe down here." Sam says, his voice sympathetic.

"Yeah she will be safe, if she lives down here for the rest of her life." I say sarcastically, and Sam  backs up.

"If you two idjits would shut up for ten seconds, you would realize that we have to get that amulet back." Bobby says.

"How are we going to get it back, we don't know where Aegean is, and besides even if we did know where he was hiding, who is to say that he hasn't thrown away the amulet?" I ask.

"He wouldn't throw the amulet away idjit." Bobby starts,  and then Jeff intercepts.

"That amulet is too valuable for him and the other demons, it contains the demon half of Lia, he has wanted to kill Lia for years, to get Behlalonia, he wouldn't just toss it out, he would be trying to open it, and release Behlalonia, but that can't happen, not unless he also had Lia."

"Well then, do we have any ideas where he would go?" Sam asks.

"No clue." Jeff shakes his head.

I look at Lia, and brush the hair out of her face, I hated the fact, that her life was hanging in the balance. All because her father wanted her dead. I remember how scared she got facing the witch in Texas, and when that man touched her ankle when she was dancing.

I knew she was a tough girl, her past had made sure of that. I also knew however, that she was just like every human. She got scared.

AN: So, this chapter is a little shorter, sorry. Let me know what you think :)

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