Bad Timing

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"I could use some help over here!" I shout out to the boys.

That was followed by two pairs of heavy, running footsteps, I laugh when I see them, guns in hands.

"You are an evil woman, we thought you were in trouble." Dean says, as they both lower their guns.

"Sorry, just need some help with dinner." I say, as Dean kisses me on the cheek. Sam, looks awkwardly away.

After somehow showing them how to cook, instead of eating take out, we sit down at the dining room table, and have a real dinner. I had made spaghetti, garlic bread, and a salad.

"Bobby, and Jeff still out doing research?" I ask.

Sam nods. "Yeah, those vampires are apparently doing some experimental things with themselves. Uh, but they said they would call if they needed us, because well..something is supposed to happen." His voice grows smaller, as he talks, and shoves food in his mouth, to stop talking.

Dean throws him a death glare.

I shrug it off, but give Sam a polite smile. I liked Sam, he was a good person, a little awkward, but a good person nonetheless.

"You are a miracle worker Lia. You hunt the supernatural, you are half-demon, and you cook." Dean laughs.

"I'm not a half demon anymore." I say. "My scars are even fading."

We still had no idea what had happened that day, nearly six months ago. Behlalonia had just disappeared, and we haven't been able to pick up her signal anywhere. I was completely human, and like I said, my scars were fading.

"Well good thing I fell in love with the human side of you." Dean says,

Sam throws him an odd look, and I get up to start the dishes.

They both were acting so damn weird, like weirder than normal. Weirder than the time we were cloned, and fake me had made out with fake Sam.

I start to scrub the dishes, when Dean wraps his arms around my waist. We had been together nearly eight months now. I hadn't even expecting to still be around here.

"You know, maybe we should take a vacation just the two of us." He whispers in my ear, accompanied by a neck kiss.

Before I can answer, his phone rings. With a heavy sigh, he takes his arms from his waist, and answers.


Okay, what do you want us to do?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Fine, be there soon."

He slame his phone down. "They need our help with the vampires." He walks out of the room, to find Sam and tell him.

I finish the dishes, and clean up the kitchen, before grabbing my prepacked bag from the front closet.

"Dean, when are you going to ask her?" I hear Sam's voice from another room.

"I don't know man, I was going to tonight, and then it just didn't happen. Soon though, I promise." I hear Dean reply.

I look out the window, and pretend like I didn't hear what I had heard. I thought I knew what they were talking about, but I couldn't even start to believe that Dean would ask me to marry him.

"Come on Lia, lets go save the grandmas from trouble." Dean says, as the two appear in the front room, I give a slight laugh in return.

Now, Sam doesn't even object, he takes the backseat. I slide in beside Dean, his arm draping around my shoulder.

It is not a long drive, by any means, only three hours. It seems like forever though, there is clearly something in the air. Loud rock music drones out any chance to converse.

We instantly see why Bobby and Jeff needed our help. There were vampires eveywhere, and some of them were biologically enhanced.

"Holy hell." Sam whispers, and I can't help but agree.

"Welcome to Dresden." Bobby says, in his normal sarcastic tone.

"Worst place on Earth to try and order garlic on anything." Jeff jokes, and gives me a bear hug.

They tell us everything they know so far, that these vampires were unlike anything we had ever seen. They were smart enough to start experimenting on themselves, and they had been successful. There had been nearly thirty new vampires created in the past week, and nearly fifty deaths.

"We tried to kill them the normal way, and it seems to work, but it's only temporary. We don't know how to keep them dead." Bobby explains.

"So, we have vampires, who we cant kill, that are enhanced? Are you freaking kidding me?"

Bobby rolls his eyes. "Yes, ya idjit."

"Just another day in paradise." Sam whispers, as he starts to research things on his laptop.

Dean and I sit down, and start to read. His hand resting on my inner thigh.


Several Hours Later.

Before the sun breaks the horizon,  we set off. Our group of five fearless warriors. I was in the back of the group, I had been entrusted with the machete.

We had a good idea how to kill them, and thank God I could cook.

"Lia, please stay right behind us, until we need you swing that thing." Dean whispers, and I nod, though I can't make any real promises.

Walking into their "nest" in a broke down warehouse on the outskirts of Dresden, might have been our dumbest idea.

We were instantly attacked, and their were so many of them, I tried to cut off their heads, but I was bitten twice. It hurt like a freaking bitch.

Thank God for garlic bread, or we all would become those things.

"Lia, watch out!" I ducked, and watched as a vampire clawed at where I had been standing, I kick out his legs, and then chop off his head.

"This is useless,  there are too many." I shout, as I chop another head off. I knew they were workin hard on feeding them bits of garlic bread, and setting them on fire. We just weren't moving fast enough.

I was bit several more times, and then trip, the machete slicing me slightly in my abdomen. I cry out, tears stinging my eyes.

Strong arms pick me up, fireman style.

"We are getting out of here." Dean whispers in my ear, over the roar of the fire. I feel the heat of the fire, licking at my body.

After getting away from the building, we hear the boom, of the building exploding. Dean sits beneath a tree, with me in his lap.

He looks over my wounds, and I trace a bite mark on his right shoulder.

"You cut yourself." He plainly points out.

I laugh. "Yeah, I tripped."

He laughs too, before taking off my shirt, and his. He wraps my abdomen with his shirt.

"Lia." He coughs. "Will you marry me?"

I know my shock is evident on my face. "What?"

"I know we just whooped major vampire ass, and this isn't romantic." He pulls a small black box out of his jeans pocket. "I have carried this around for nearly a month. I didn't know to ask. Please, Lia, marry me?"

"Yes." I feel the lump in my throat.

He pulls out the ring, and even then in the soft dawn daylight,  it sparked. He slides it on to my ring finger.

"Aww, how adorable." Sam's voice comes from behind us.

"Sam." Dean says, his tone a little harsh.

"Sorry, I'm just glad you finally grew the balls to ask her." Sam laughs.

"Oh shut up, Sammy."

AN: Okay another chapter, it is a little shorter, but I hope it was still good. I love getting feedback, so tell me what ya think!

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