Chapter 1

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Enrique on the side ------------------------>

Hello my name is Enrique Ricco Andretti; I am 15 years old turning 16 in July. I live with my dad Antonio Ricardo Andretti, mum Bianca Jane Andretti (she's actually not my biological mother but I never new my real mum she died after giving birth to me), I've got a brother named Callum Rocco Andretti he is 6 years old, and I have a little sister named Ruby Rose Andretti she is 4 years old and really cute. We are really protective of her because she nearly died at birth and she has bad lungs. I also have a daughter who's 1 month old, her name is Catalina Jayne Andretti, long story short I got a 20 year old girl pregnant and she left the baby at the hospital with a letter saying who the father was, which was me. Yay hear the sarcasm.

Anyway my dad is Sicilian and my real mum was Italian, so I can speak Italian. I know other languages which Bianca taught me. She's part African, American, German, Australian and French. But she knows other languages as well as those ones. So back to introducing me, I'm 5'10" with black hair which is short and spiked up, chestnut colour eyes and tan coloured skin, I have an eyebrow piercing as well. I'm smart but not to smart. At my old school I was a bit of a player and a bad boy. I hung out with the wrong crowd at my old school. I use to smoke and drink and broke girl's hearts. I am not ugly, so I get a lot of girls flirting with me which I am not complaining. I'm not fat, but not skinny too. I'm pretty muscular and I have a 6 pack. I don't work out like other guys do to keep in shape, I'm pretty lazy but some how I keep in shape it must be all the rugby I play or the martial arts and boxing I do with my father and brother. Sometimes my grandfather and grandma come and spend a week with us. Our grandfather helps my dad train us whilst they are here. They are actually Bianca's parents but I'm basically her son now so they are my grandparents too.

My family is well off. Well my mum's side is. Her family owns companies here inQueensland. They also own a mine inAfricaas well. So they are very rich but we don't tell people how rich we are cause they try and take advantage of us.

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