Chapter 13

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David on the side ---------------------------->

The weeks went by very fast and soon it was March. Over the past week I've been feeling very ill and I vomited at school after lunch. Gabby noticed that I haven't looked very well so after school on Monday the following week Gabby asked to talk to me so I invited her into my room. I knew it was about me being sick and pale.

"So, what's up sis?" Gabby asked me with her arms crossed.

"Um, I might be......." I started to tell her and by the end it came out as a whisper.

"Jen I didn't hear you" Gabby said looking worried at me, "What's wrong you're scaring me"

"I" I started to cry "Imightbepregnant" I said in a rush through my sobs.

"Oh my god, does Enrique know" she asked me with her hand over her mouth. I just shook my head, and then just cried so hard. Gabby grabbed me and hugged me until I sobered up.

"I'm so scared, what am I going to do?" I asked Gabby.

"Well first we are going to confirm it and then we'll tell Enrique" Gabby announced to me.

"Ok" I said while getting up to head for the shops. We walked to the pharmacy in Glenmore it was the closes one. It means we don't need to get a taxi or call someone to take us. We arrived at the store and headed towards the aisle that has the pregnancy tests.

"Which one, there is so many?" I asked Gabby.

"I have no clue", Gabby answered shaking her head.

"What about this one?" I picked up one that was called Confirm Early Pregnancy Test; I read the information on the box to see what it is like. "This one seems alright". While we were looking a lady came to see if we need any help. I was going to tell her that we will be fine, but Gabby said we do need some help.

"Yes we do need some help, our mother sent us here to buy a pregnancy test for her" Gabby said lying through her teeth.

"OK, well this one's a really good one, it is most popular one of them all" she explained eyeing me, that's when I realised then that I probably looked like I've been crying. I just smiled at her to stop her suspicion, and then she turned too Gabby. She looked familiar but where have I've seen her before, oh well must have seen her around before. The test she was holding was called First Response Early Result with 3 tests in it. That looks like it will be the best one to use.

"We'll take it, thank you very much" Gabby thanked the lady and went to pay for it. We headed home to find out my fate.

I peed on the stick like the box said and set a timer on my phone for 3 mins time. I was so nervous and couldn't sit down, so I started to pace around the room. Gabby got up and tried to settle me down, but it wasn't working. The alarm went off, which I jumped at and I let Gabby to look at it.

"It's positive Jen" she said with a sad smile.

I don't believe it I'm pregnant and I'm only 12. What am I going to do, I started to cry and Gabby grabbed me again and held me so tight. I just cried and cried until I had nothing else to let out. We heard the front door slam and we knew it was dad. We pulled away and Gabby grabbed the test to hide it in my room somewhere. I tried to look presentable, but that was a bit useless. Gabby hid the test in my dresser; as she closed the draw of my dresser my door slammed open.

"You," dad yelled at me, which coursed me to jump and he was also pointing at me, "I can't believe you are dating that teenage father" dad yelled at me some more. "What are you one of his little girls that he plays with when he needs some" dad continued yelling at me and that last statement made me sound like a slut.

I'm a teenage fatherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant