Chapter 7

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Bianca with green eyes on the side ----------->

It was Monday morning and another week of school. I woke up early as usual and grabbed Catalina. I went through my morning routine. After Catalina was fed and I ate, I went to get ready but before I went into my room to get ready, mum came out.

"Good morning Enrique" mum said cheerily.

"Good morning mum" returning her greeting and smiled back. "Where's dad?"

"He had to leave earlier this morning" mum said.

"Oh ok" I said sadly.

"What's wrong, did you want to tell me about it?" mum asked me with a worry.

"I don't know mum it's about a girl" I said while rubbing the back off my neck.

"Oh, well you know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah I know but" I looked at mum and I realized she was right, I can tell her anything. "There's a girl at my school that I can't get out of my head".

"That means you like her", mum replied. I just stared at her, is she right or she just saying that. So I told her everything I feel when she's around and when I go to bed. "Wow you're in love Enrique, that's what you are feeling".

"Mum, no way I'm not in love......." my eyes widened and it hit me I'm in love. Wow I never thought me; Enrique Andretti would ever fall in love. I looked at mum and she was smiling at me. "Really I'm in love" mum just smiled and nodded.

I stayed standing there for awhile until mum shook me.

"You need to get ready now" mum said to me.

I looked at my watch and realized I was going to be late. I ran to my room and raced around to get ready. Lucky I had my bag already done up for today. I ran out to the car and jumped in.

We drove to my school and mum dropped me off. I walked into the school and to where the boys were. We started chatting about the weekend and how funny it was. The bell rang and we headed off to homeroom.

The roll call was taken and then the notices were announced for today. There's a disco on next week. So everyone in our class was excited, we were cheering and clapping at the announcement. The bell rang and we all got up to leave. Kevin barged through and turned back to me and glared at me. I just shrugged and kept walking to get my bag.

"Man, he won't give up will he"Chadsaid to me.

"Nah he's just angry because Jen dumped him" I said back "I think he's embarrassed because she broke up with him and he wasn't the one that dumped her".

"Yeah he is always the one that has to be the best and the one that does everything first".

We walked to our English class, I like my English class and I think all the guys in our class do too. You want to know why it's the best because our teacher is hot. Most of us can't pay attention in the class that's how distracting she is. They shouldn't have a teacher that hot teaching kids that are full off testosterone. We got to our class and placed our bags in the bag rack. We lined up and chatted until Ms. Hottie turned up. She came around the corner and every guy that was lined up just stared at her, some off the guys were drooling. I started laughing, man it was funny. She was sexy, but she wasn't Jen. Ms. Hottie does not hold a candle to Jen. Man, I have it bad. She cleared her throat and told us to go in to start the lesson.

We had to continue our projects this lesson. We were all silent through the entire lesson; it was so weird and freaky. The bell rang and we left for our next lesson which was math. I hate math but I have to do it.

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