Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I'm so excited to see what y'all think of this story me and GoTfan25966 are writing.

So here's the first chapter!!

Chapter 1:

Carter smiled​ to himself​, his life was perfect. Sure he was kinda nerdy, and he's​ definitely not popular. But when looking over at his best friend, Rachel... He knew he couldn't complain.

They were on their way to the old Gettysburg Battlefield for a field trip with the rest of their class. History had always fascinated him but he was happier to look forward to the future.

Rachel, however loved this stuff. She was already planning on studying history when the moved on to college next year. She was busy chatting away about the battlefield, not even noticing that he had stopped paying attention to her words and was just watching her talk.

That sounds creepier than it is, but once Rachel got started on a rant about something it was hard to stop her. And it completely mesmerized him.

All too soon they arrived at the historic spot, all the students filed off the bus and began mulling about. Their history teacher, Mr. Jones, quickly​ gathered​ them together and ushered them to the start of the tour.

The tour started the way it was supposed to. All the students surprisingly listening​ to Mr. Jones drone on about Gettysburg, but slowly the rest of the class got antsy and began to disperse.

The first two to wander off was the "It" couple​ of the senior class. Sarah Grayson and Matthew Greene are the epitome of the perfect couple. Always together, and always sneaking away to do Lord knows what. It was honestly sickening how in love they were.

After they left, others began to follow. Soon it was just Carter and Rachel, the nerds. Mr. Jones gave up and waved his hand at them.

"Go on, explore, and if you see any of the others tell them to meet back here by 2:00."

Rachel grinned at him, grabbed his hand and said. "C'mon, Cart!"

Carter just laughed and said, "You know I hate it when you call me that." But followed behind her very willingly​.

Rachel laughed that beautiful twinkling laugh of hers. "No, you don't.

Carter shook his head, could she honestly not see what she does to him?

They wandered around aimlessly, Rachel loving every second of it. She said she could practically feel the history rubbing off on her. Carter on the other hand didn't like it quite as much.

Being there where so many people had lost their lives... left Carter feeling uneasy. It reminded him of an old tell this grandfather used to tell about an old war hero in his family. He couldn't remember much of the story besides the guy dying here in Gettysburg so his company could retreat.

It was very brave but Carterhimself could not imagine dying on a field like this one. He didn't like to think of dying at all.

So he found himself not really paying attention to the sights around him and watched​ Rachel instead.

She was always a good distraction.

It was when they got to the more wooded part of the field that Carter spoke his worries.

"Don't you think we should head back now, Rach?"

"Don't be a party pooper, Cart, this is where all the good stuff happened."

He checked the time on his phone. 1:27.

"It's almost two o'clock, Mr. Jones said we had to be back by then."

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