someBODY Once Told Me - Smii7y

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A/N: So, finally got some time to finish this chapter. It was really hard getting the words out for this, especially since I don't watch people like RacingCatz or Subscribe to KyrozGaming. It was just harder to get the characterization.

Also, I added chapter titles, if you haven't already noticed. If you're too lazy to look back, or saw the first chapter or future ones on Tumblr (I'm nevergiveupgirl924), than here are the new titles. Other than that, enjoy!

H2O Delirious - Face Revelation
Moo Snuckel - The Mystery of Brian
Ohmwrecker - Crush Unlocked
Seananners - New School, Same Trust Issues
Terroriser - No, No, No, Boyfriend?, No



From: are you coming already?

To: give me time. I'm not getting busted again.

From: hurry up then

Smitty sighed at his friend's impatience. John knew how delicate this process was to sneak onto their roof hiding spot. It was something they calculated so they wouldn't get caught.

Smitty could see John tapping his fingers on the side of the building through his so called sixth sense. He also say Jay waiting in one of the stalls like he was in the other bathroom. If he wanted to, he could also check on Cody, who was probably ordering fast food in another state. He couldn't describe this power really. It wasn't like John's foresight since he could only see the now. The word that came closest to what Smitty had was Clairvoyance.

He flicked his vision back to Jay. His friends was just heading out of the bathroom, signing out as the bell rang. Smitty followed out about 30 seconds later, making sure anyone watching didn't think it was planned. They would then converge at the ladder, and Smitty would keep watch on all the teachers on hallway duty so they weren't caught.

Jay found the spot first. It was simply a ladder heading up to the roof that a teacher showed him while doing the egg drop project. He told Smitty, John, Cody and a handful of others. Since then it's been their spot. Other people found out about it though. Mini knew because Cody one time stupidly ran to get McDonald's without shoes. Ohm found it when Minx made him rage so hard he shadow traveled here. Tyler discovered it when he trailed John one time in order to hide from a teacher. Some of the guys even believed Nogla knew, spotting them a couple times from the tree he was always in.

Smitty quickly snapped out of his thoughts when his feet, on autopilot, stopped moving. He was at the closet, and he quickly ducked inside once he made sure no teachers were watching. Jay was already waiting for him inside, playing with his little penguin character he liked so much.

"There's the milk boy." Jay said when he noticed Smitty. A little milk bag appeared besides the penguin, and both men smiled. Jay had a little animation made for all of them. Smitty's design came from when he brought over a bag of milk from Canada. He even put 3D glasses on it and a propeller hat. Jay just really like penguins, so he made a custom one.

"Sup." He replied as he picked up the milk bag and put it on his shoulder. "The other guys up there?" Jay nodded. Smitty started heading toward the ladder, but stopped when Jay didn't follow him. "You coming, man?"

Jay shook his head. "I've got physical therapy with Craig. His healing can really only do so much for us."

"How's that going for you two?"

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