Spark - Bryce McQuaid

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A/N: Battle Chad OP. That's all I'm saying.

"You're frustrated."

Bryce popped open one eye to see Mike standing on his left. His face was relaxed and understanding, arms crossed as he looked down at Bryce's form for an explanation.

"I'm not frustrated." He denied. "What makes you think I'm frustrated?"

"First off, you aren't smiling. And you're always smiling unless you are in try hard mode." Mike started, counting the reasons on his fingers. "My hair is currently sticking up on end. The air feels like I'm going to get hit by lightening any second. Plus the four closest lamps are all glowing so brightly they might burst any second." A loud shattering sound echoed off to the right. "Correction: 3 glowing and 1 broken."

"Sorry, Satt." Bryce unnecessarily apologized. "It's just, my head is thick and clouded and I have so many thoughts swimming in my head that I just ..." He fell back into the grass of the park. "I needed air."

"What's on your mind, Bryce?" Mike asked, sitting down next to his friend. "You know you can tell me anything."

"Well, ..." Bryce began, looking down at his hands as he played with them. "I think ... I think I like Ohm. Not just as a friend anymore. Maybe I've always liked him that way to a small extent, but it was until I came out of the closet to him that ..."

"Wait." Satt interrupted. "You're gay and you didn't tell me?!" Bryce shot Mike a glare. "I thought ... I thought we had something special between us, Bryce." Satt made a pouty face, which earned a laugh out of Bryce.

"I had other things on my mind." He admitted. "I haven't even told Jonathan or Luke either to be honest."

"Well, who knows besides me and and Ryan?"

"My brothers and my parents." Bryce hung his down, trying not to think of his mom's reaction to his confession. "My mom acted very conservatively, so I ran to Ohm on instinct."

"How-" Satt began, resting his hand on Bryce's knees.

"3 weeks." He interrupted. "Sorry."

"Hey, it's fine. But what I was going to ask was how you plan on going about this?" Bryce sat silent for a minute. His mind was a mess, almost like a tangled up ball of yarn. And like that ball of yarn, he could see anywhere to start.

"I don't know." He admitted after a minute. "Well, maybe I do. I want to tell Ohm about it. But that fear that I'm going to wreck our whole friendship up is still there."

"Yeah, but what's worse? That or the fear that you're missing an opportunity to be with the guy you like?" Bryce sat staring at the smug look Mike had on his plastered on his face since he knew he'd won. He tried his best not to show it though but according to his friends he was horrible at hiding his emotions. He smiled up at his friend.

"Thanks Satt. You always seem to be good at this."

"Hey, what am I not good at?" Bryce chuckled a little, a smile making his way onto his lips.

"Mario Kart."

"You know what, Bryce. I got 3rd that one time!"

"Only because you got double Bullet Bills! Who gets that?!"


Locator Boys - Group Chat

McQuaid: Hey. Help me find Ohm please?

Smii7y: You going to ask him out?

Sattalizer: ^^

McQuaid: Just help me.

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