As the kingdom burns

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Just some info if you have never read a x reader before or there's just somethings you don't know about.
Oh and by the way I will make this for either gender ((  For male or Female because I know how it is trying to find a story that is the right gender for you. Being a guy could be really hard when trying to find one of these, and it not being just one shots. ))
And one more thing this is like a mythical kind of thing so you don't get confused.
(Y/N) - your name
(F/C) - favorite color
(B/F/N) - best friends name
(E/C) - eye color

No ones POV

There was a small kingdom in the middle of valley. It was a calm place to which there was not much crime, but the strength of the beasts and army is unbelievable. It also didn't have any connection with anything outside its walls, but also because of a magical barrier surrounding it. So no one knew of its location or existence(( maybe mwahahahahahaha )). The town of the kingdom was a lovely place for everyone was treated equally, plus the royal family did not tax the people hardly at all. There was really nothing to do with that money anyway because of how every one lived peacefully.

Now the royal family was really something. The Black Club King was a kind and gentle ruler the people loved him, but the Black Diamond Queen was a site to see, her beauty brings joy to the people. There is one more member of the family... The Black Heart prince/princess he/she is quite the being. He/She is the General of the Kingdoms army being as strong as he/she was it made sense.

Your POV

You were training the newbies that had decided to join the army. Over some time you had gotten frustrated with them, because they did not get the most basic of things or tasks plus they had no clue how to use fire arms or their power either. You sighed in frustration, " What's the matter boss?" A slithered voice said. Turning around you saw that it was your childhood Naga (( if you don't know what that is look it up it's nothing bad as in inappropriate)) friend (B/F/N). You replied, " oh you know the usual trying to teach the most easiest things to do."

(B/F/N) looked at you with a why are you doing this then face. You turned back to the fumbling idiots that surrounded you.

Time skip to night time because imma lazy butt

After training was complete and they knew what the hell they were doing you walked back to your room. Taking off your armor and got into the shower in the bathroom in the room.(( No Duh!!! )) After the shower you got dressed for bed, but there was a sudden but frantic knock at the door. Rushing to the door then opening it you saw (B/F/N) covered in blood. Taking them into the room you franticly started to help tent to the wounds you could get to, but also asking a wave of questions in the process.

"What happened are you okay!?" You asked over and over (B/F/N) answered but not with I'm okay there was just a training accident. " You need to get out of here. Get your armor on and follow me now." Nodding you ran to you armor rack and started putting it on as fast as you could. Right after putting your sword inside its sheath someone grabbed on to your arm pulling it forcefully into an awkward tight embrace.  

Then feeling something being put on around your neck caught you off guard. Looking around you saw (B/F/N) in front of you with there hand on their side where she/he kept her/his sword. " LET GO OF THE PRINCE/PRINCESS RIGHT NOW!!!" Panic filled through out your body, not knowing who was holding you but what was around you neck. " Ha okay..." A low voice growled sending a shiver down your spine. The being let go of you so in that you turned around to see who it was but there was only a cloud of black smoke.

A few minuets of trying to figure what the hell just happened something had just kicked down the door to the room. Looking towards the door there was a group of people and creatures dressed up in one uniform (( not like one uniform and their all in it but like the same uniform. I'm going to keep it like that because I think its funny. )) They also had collars or necklaces on with different or the same color crystals or gems.

"Looks like he already got him/her." One of them in the group said. Pulling your arm up to the thing that was placed around your neck. It was a collar with spikes going around it looking at it there was a crystal on it. The color was emerald (( The colors mean something but it will be explained later. )) " What is this!?" You screamed at the group they snickered in response.

(B/F/N) POV (( Didn't expect this now did ya! ))

I had no clue what was going on and what they did to (Y/N). Suddenly there was a cloud of black smoke the same one as earlier going around me." (B/F/N)!" everything went black after that. (( short I know, but I will make more for your friend. ))

??? POV (( Who is dis??? Why you has POV!!! ))

As I rapped my poisoning black smoke surrounded that poor Naga that was mixed up in this I put him/her to sleep. I turned my attention to the now owned prince/princess he/she was pinned to the ground and what I believe crying I couldn't really tell he/she had his/her helmet on. As I watch the struggle the crystal that I had placed on the now distressed prince/princess started to glow which meant he/she was going to hurt with a high voltage electrical shock. And in prediction there was bolts shooting out of the collar knocking (Y/N) out.

" Bring him/her to the Red king up at the School (( oh let me explain this part! The Red king ( Tord ) owns a School that trains monsters, beast, humans, or anything really so they can be apart of the red army. ))

When we exited the room my mother and father was stand in the hall. That's right I am the Black Ace Prince. (( *Gasp!* thats your brother that captured you man!!! )) " Please take good care of him/her Lucas..." Father said then walked away with mother who was crying. (( wait so their okay with this! Man what did you do or what did someone do to them to make them let you go that easy like that. ))

I grabbed my brother/sister from the monster that was carring him/her, and i started walking out of the castle. When I reached the door the smell of burning corpses and blood filled my nose. Opening the doors there was bodies littering the ground and all the house were nearly burnt to the ground.

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