Meeting the Red King and your brother pt. 1

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Your POV

After some time of being knocked out you had woken up in an unfamiliar place it was a nurses office as what you could tell." Oh your finally awake that's good the Red King was getting impatient, and would have woken you up himself." a lady Neko in a nurse outfit said while holding a clip board.(( Oh that fits purrfectly doesn't it. :3 )) " Oh wow your the prince/princess of the Black Kingdom! I and many other people thought that place was just a fairytale! Guess not huh." She said looking at the clipboard that she was holding.

She sounded like it was no big deal." But I'm going to tell you one thing. When you meet the Red King don't piss him off it would only get you killed."((I nearly spelled culled... Curse me for liking to much homestuck!)) She added. You felt confused not knowing what's happening where you are or why your there kind of does that to a person.

She just kept rambling on and on not knowing what she was saying you but in to her own conversation." Where am I and why am I here and what is this collar doing around my neck?" She looked at you and replied with a cheery response." Oh thats easy first your in the Red Kings school for training people for the Red Army. Second you are here because you were chosen to be apart of the Red Army. Then third I'm to lazy to explain so here's a chart."

The gem chart.
Light green- the lowest(noob)
Emerald- pretty low
Dark green- a little higher then emerald
Violet- (( just going up the list till we get to the major ones))
Fushia- medic
Sky blue
Royal blue
Mustard yellow
Gold- somewhat has command
Orange- half way in commmand
Red- highest in command

" Hey wait but you skipped one?!" She blurted out pointing at the gem places around your neck. You looked down at the chart," yeah your right I did but why. Plus it's no fair that I'm so low on here I was a general for Black Kingdom." You answered still looking at the chart, but once you looked back up at the nurse she looked confused." What?" You asked tilting your head. (( doesn't matter what side you can pick))

After a while she replied," how did you become such a strong figure aren't you to young for that?" You looked at her shocked then laughed you responded still laughing," hah I'm not that young as you think I'm only 24!"(( yes you is 24 years old don't complain that's not that old now tord will be 27 okay? Okay we are done here.)) Her jaw dropped in response." WAIT YOUR 24 YOU LOOK 17 OR 18!!!" You kept laughing at her reaction.

Why did you feel so calm around that woman you couldn't understand, but one thing was for sure you had no clue what that woman's name was she never told you or you never asked. After that thought the amount of awkwardness was horrible." Um might I ask for your name please I never got it..." you asked shyly. She stopped freaking out and answered," oh yeah I forgot to tell you didn't I? Oops well my name is Evelyn! But I also never got your name out of you just only off this info on my clipboard!"

" Oh my name is (Y/N) nice to know your name Evelyn!" A few seconds after that there was a bang at the door they were quite forceful." Oh my god Evelyn is she/he awake yet the King is getting impatient!" A male voice rang in the room." Yea he/she is! You can just come in you know!" Evelyn shouted back.

Evelyn's POV

'Ugh I hate him so much' I thought while gripping tightly to (Y/N) info clipboard. But I have to deal with him... " Alright but the door is locked you know!" He shouted back. "Oh my gosh Lucas how idiotic can you be you have a key don't you!"((their just shouting at each other for both sides of the door while your just sitting there going why the hell are they yelling at each other? Yep that's great.))

"No I forgot to grab it!" I angrily walked up to door unlocked it and swung it open it. Lucas had a stupid smug look on his face I was going to say something but he cut me off." I'm just here to see my little brother/sister alright so don't go on yelling at me. I looked at him shocked the only person other then me was (Y/N)." Wait is (Y/N) your little brother/sister?"

"Yes why? Is it a crime or something?" I swore I was going to go crazy so starting to put these pieces together I blurted," SO YOU'RE THE LONG LOST BLACK ACE PRINCE IN THE STORY!!!" He spun me around so my back was against his chest the his right had was over my mouth and the other was around my waist then he growled," shut up or someone might hear you... I don't want people to know that especially the Red King..." He whispered in my ear which caused me to shiver and blush when his breath blew on it.

(( Evelyn has liked Lucas for as long as he had joined but he also likes her but he won't admit it verbably \\\O^O/// I'm a dirty potato...))
"Um who are you?" A voice broke the most embarrassing situation I've ever been with Lucas though I didn't mind it (( Evelyn you DIRTY POTATO!!! Plus my character is Lucas I'm supposed to be the dirty potato!)) " Oh me? I'm your big brother nice to meet cha!" He cheerily said while letting go of me which left me in disappointment.

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