Meeting the Red King and your brother pt. 2

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Lucas's POV

I looked at my little brother/sister he/she looked different then what I had remembered but I knew it was him/her. The little adorable biscuit I had played with when we were small. He/She looked at me with such amassment and hatred in his/her (E/C) eyes, but I wouldn't blame him/her it was my choice to leave and it was not the most favorable. My thought was interrupted by a voice it was (Y/N)." Why did you leave me I was so alone all those fucking years all I could remember was those damned stories that mother and father that was about me and you when we were little..." (Y/N) started crying.

(( okay time to get to the emotional shit okay guys sorry about this but it has to happen the story behind him leaving is a little difficult to explain shortly so I will have to make a whole chapter about it.))

I gave a blank stare there was really nothing I could say. I was in so much shock because I had no idea that mother and father had spoken about me while I was gone."(Y/N) I'm... I'm sorry I... I didn't mean to leave I had to do it please understand..." He/She sniffed and looked at me with a cold stare and cried out, " UNDERSTAND!? UNDERSTAND THAT YOU LEFT ME ALONE ALL THOSE FUCKING YEARS SO YOU COULD BE APART OF THE MOST DANGEROUS ARMY IN THE WORLD!!! THE ARMY WHO RAIDS AND KILLS THE INNOCENT, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!!"

(( now the only reason you were so calm about being there was because you had no idea that your big brother( me ) was apart of it you believed that he was dead since that's what your parents said.))

" You thought I was dead? What gave you that idea? And I'm sorry I just could never get in contact with you I send letters you know..." (( the army members are not aloud to have any contact with their family but Lucas didn't care he still tried let me explain one more thing the only reason you never get the letters is because you mother and father would take them and would never tell you about them.))" You say you send letters but you don't your lying and I know it." (Y/N) firmly said.

I replied with, " did you ever see mother or father have black enveloped letters?" I questioned. He/She looked at me shocked and quickly responded with, " Yes yes I have." " Now did they have a red lining on it." (Y/N) nodded his/her head. "Then they had been keep them from you so you could keep believing I was dead..." I growled in anger.' What am I going to do with him/her h/she is so clueless to confused to understand why this is happening...' I thought.

Than after that thought there was a angry voice on the intercom it was the Red King." Lucas! Get (Y/N) to my office now what's taking so long!" I growled in response. (( I do that a lot in real life to when I hate something or... Never mind...)) " Who was that?" (Y/N) questioned. I mumbled to his/her question." It was the Red King but his real name is Tord... gripey bastard..."

Your POV

'Wow he didn't sound to happy responding to my question... wonder if he hates him or something? Or it could be that their friends and Tord is just the annoying one... that's a thought." You carried out thinking for a while when your now found out to be alive big brother was moping around and growling to himself. Then he walked up to you and grabbed your hand and pulled you up out of the comfy chair that you were sitting in.

"Where are you taking me?" "Well for starters I'm taking you to the Tord... I mean the Red King... oops." While we were walking in the halls correction while Lucas was walking in the halls dragging you along people were staring at the both of you." Lucas people are staring I can walk myself." You whispered so others could not hear." Oh it's okay their just not used to seeing someone different in a while plus their probably questioning why we look similar." He plainly said.

"But wait isn't that bad won't they make some accusations about us like being related or something didn't you say that you didn't want anyone to know especially Tord..." he looked back at you," ah I don't care about it anymore as long as you are here right now I can protect you much better then you being all the way out there, ya know?" Nodding in response the both of you were still traveling through out the long and confusing hallways.

" Might I ask one more question before we or I go meet the King of this place?" He looked back and nodded." No wait two more questions." He groaned and nodded again," why did you leave to join this army why didn't you stay and be in out army." No response." Lucas?" "That's a story for another day okay? Now what's the second question we're almost there." " Okay second question what is Tord like I mean the Red King?" He slapped his face with his other hand and said," he's a pain in the ass that's what he is..."

You looked at him curiously," Are you guys friends or something?" " psh I don't know really but all I can say is do your best here and you won't get hurt. Oh wait never mind about getting hurt you can probably beat all these guys to death if you just use your power or transform if needed to. So about Tord he can just be a pain sometimes..."

Time skip to the front of the office doors after y'all had a small chat.

"Alright here we are! Are you ready? Just don't say anything stupid and you'll just do just fine alright?" Lucas reassured you." Yep I'm ready." He started to knock on the door then there was a shout from the other side.." FINALLY TOOK YOU GUYS LONG ENOUGH!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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