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I learnt a few valuable things today, that perhaps I was not meant to. We were doing research on specialised cells in the human body, and I overheard a few facts being said by others, and read a few myself. 

Time to LEARN! 

-When you eat an apple, you are eating an ovary of an apple tree (and no, it's not the egg, because the seeds inside act like the egg because that is what makes more apple trees). You should have seen my face when the teacher told us, I probably resembled a bird's head being squished because my eyes popped out to Saturn. 

-Pollen is the sperm of a plant

-A girl's egg cell (ovum) is the size of a sesame seed, the biggest cell in our bodies because of the nutrients it holds. [Totally of topic: In HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences), my teacher told us that their usedd to be a law in Aus which allowed mothers to be paid $1,000-2,000 when they have a child. Me: "I'm having babies now." *5 minutes later* Teacher: the law doen't apply anymore though. Me: dang it. Teacher: Imagine if you had triplets, you would cash in hard. Me: *turns to fiend* let's go back in time! (Obviously not rationally)]

-A girl's egg hold half the chromosomes in the female human body, so when it's 'that time of the month' *cringe* you loose half your body's chromosomes. But don't worry! You'll get them back! (Is that necessarliy a good thing...???)  

-Your bones actually breaks itself down and builds itself back up again. I didn't know this and I started doubt the strength of my own body. Why do I not know this already? Let's just believe that my body does what it needs to do... 

-Osteo means 'bone' in Greek, which is the simple basis of the words:  osteopathy, osteoblast, osteoclast, osteocyte, Osteo Panadol Tablets, osteoporois etc etc. 

-Your lips are red because of the blood vessels lying closely underneath the thin layer of skin, and this only occurs in the human body. 

-My science teacher has alot of secrets.... and has done alot of weird things in her life. She's quite young and dang she knows how to control a class, if you don't do what she says, she will stare at you really intensely until you do what she says (this hasn't happened to me, but it did to a classmate and it's creepy). She also wouldn't want to crawl through a blue whale, I told her about how large its heart is (size of a smallish car) and that you could definitely crawl all the way through it's body. But does anyone want to crawl through the biggest animal that lives in the sea? Probably Marine Biologists. 

-I am pretty good at drawing a simple skeletal muscle cell, but it's hard to find good diagrams to copy. 


Do you have any really weird and slightly gross but awesomely cool facts you wish to share? (I have 3 factbooks in one of my reading lists). 

I know I have been updating alot recently but I just feel like it... 

-Gabs xx 

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